Mermsie Ruffles

So Peter Thiel shells out 1.5 million.... for an app he can’t even make a profile on lol. I’m pretty excited to see this app fail miserably either because all the “ladies” are bots or because even the most staunchly conservative woman can’t stand the harassment and misogyny conservative men call courtship.

I feel like this is all an attempt to garner support for a DeSantis presidential run. He doesn’t care that he’s gutting his state and cutting off kids futures at the knees, he’s peacing out. 

So, ‘restoring’ marriage to the 80% of households range is the goal. Step one is overturn marriage equality to confirm the ‘sanctity’ of marriage. Step two is abolish no-fault divorce so that couples are trapped in their marriages. Step three, when marriage rates plummet as a totally predictable consequence of step 2,

Yeah, this was a real flop of a joke where there shouldn’t have been a joke in the first place. 

Ah yes, nothing screams professionalism more than a ‘roided out prison security guard screeching about a woman’s knees while she’s dressed like a fisherman playing tennis and the state murders a man all in the same room. I’ve never read a more “only in America” story. 

This is as absurd as getting pissed that you can’t get a car without a seatbelt in it. Health care does not work this way. Very few consumer products do. It just doesn’t make sense to me at all. 

Once again we need to push to start calling “pro-life” politicians, groups and conservatives simply “anti-abortion” it’s bad faith to extend to these lunatics the moniker because they so obviously do not care one fraction about life. 

So what’s the plan, exactly? How would the pro-life movement fight for her dignity and support her so the “benefits” of continuing the pregnancy become apparent? Is the plan for a child to raise a child? Or is the plan to force her to give birth and then steal the baby and adopt it out? What happens when the mother

Don’t forget that abortion is a felony in states with bans, and felons can’t vote. 

I will tell you what my catholic mother told me once. “In a situation like that God can save both with a miracle. That would be God’s will and we can’t interfere with it.” Similar response as to why death with dignity is unacceptable and why people in vegetative states must be kept on life support. Because maybe God

It seems like they’re more interested in getting her killed than jailing her, honestly. Fox has manipulated the facts and outright lied to such a degree as to create a perfect abortionist boogeyman for their viewers. They’ve also repeated her name and used a picture while continually saying she either fabricated the

It’s clear that voting is the only thing we can do, but oh boy does it put a sour taste in my mouth. I know it’s not the case, but it really feels like democrats flubbed this so hard so that they could “turn out the vote” for the midterms. I knew the second that news broke about Roe being overturned I had about 15

is a problematic figurehead for the movement”, but it’s not a figurehead for the movement it’s literally one activist group out of many. And something is not “problematic” just because you disagree with it. 

I’m not surprised. I’m not shocked. Because these monsters have been telling us exactly who they are and what they wanted to do since the beginning. I’m nearly speechless. 

People are absolutely injured and killed at and around gun shows and at places like shooting ranges. In 2008 a kid shot himself in the head at gun show in MA, killing him. In 2018 a man shot himself (and thankfully lived) outside a gun show in IA. A 2017 study out of Berkley found “a nearly 70 percent increase in

Texas is a constitutional carry state and 19 children were just shot and killed in their classroom. 

Cool. You’re a responsible gun owner. But also it seems you missed the point. Conservatives like to dodge hard conversations about gun control and gun safety by propping up the mentally ill as scapegoats. We will see if “mental illness” played any roll in Ramos’ decision to shoot his grandmother and then slaughter 19

I love that when conservatives talk about the mental health crisis in the United States it has nothing to do with increasing access to care or anything like that... it’s about making sure people know that the mentally ill are DANGEROUS! “It wasn’t that man’s guns that killed those kids it was his mental illness.”

Granted, if you see something say something. BUT it is not the responsibility of a literal 15 year old child to make up for the failings of an entire government. And what would have happened if she had called the authorities? We know the cops just stood outside the school, unwilling to risk their lives while the

Yet another incident added to the long list of incidents that beg the question “what is the point of the police?”