Mermsie Ruffles

Just a rebuttal to the “dance theory degrees” jab. It is predatory for universities to promise a teenager that they can make a livelihood and payback tens of thousands of dollars or more in loans using degrees they KNOW will not get the return on the investment. There is no risk to a university if they lead a kid on a

This is stomach turning. There is something deeply disturbing about adoption trends amongst evangelical conservatives on a good day, but add in children displaced by war and it’s too much to take. I’m so glad that alarm bells are going off in Poland and nobody trusts this guy. The goal should be reunification and

Why are you giving any credence to the Russian authorities in this case? This situation is extremely shady and it’s not because of the Griner’s actions. They are using her as a pawn for a future prisoner exchange without a doubt. 

THANK YOU. Everything you stated desperately needed to be said. The insufferable finger-wagging has been driving me nuts. We know that shit is bad in Ukraine, but it’s even just the slightest bit nice that my feed is broken up with a fluff piece about Zalensky voicing Paddington. Please just let me have that.

The Olympics is an engine of displacement, racism, and propaganda and should be cancelled full stop. The racism and blatant favoritism showcased in this situation are baked into the structure of the competition and cannot be separated. The Olympics were born out of racism, imperialism and nationalism and the IOC has

Testing positive and repeatedly testing positive until a negative test is the only way many workers are allowed to stay home without risk of losing their jobs (and even then many employers are blurring the line). If you have the ability to WFH or stay home with no consequences then tests are not absolutely necessary.

The writing has been on the wall for many years. I’m not surprised anymore, but I’m still devastated. Everyone should prepare for next wave after the dissolution of Roe. Ex. birth control access, gay marriage, etc. Don’t give up the fight.

The rub is that Netflix is one of many companies that touts its image as an inclusive LGBTQ+ business and employer whenever it’s convenient, but stays silent when there are actual stakes. Every pride they roll out the rainbow motif to get the engagement and ‘champion the cause’, But currently this shitty special is

My senior year of college I rented a ramshackle off-campus house with 4 friends. Our landlord had bought the house for his daughter while she was in college but completely neglected it after her graduation even though he was renting it out. When we arrived during the last days of the summer we were met with a

Katie “Your private parts are different now, aren’t they?” Couric? Why are we still listening to this woman? She’s still defending Matt fucking Lauer. She leveraged being the snide, rude, bullying mean girl in the cafeteria into a career on television. That’s the reason she’s like this. I’m glad Denzel gave her no

I hope she gets a massive chunk of change out of this lawsuit. Milan is not a “expert” on dog behavior, he’s a lunatic who has convinced people that his made up techniques work when they just make behavior worse. She deserves a hefty settlement after losing her athletic career at such a young age and living with the

Understand a lot of people may not believe your questions are good faith because faux concern is a common tactic used by pro-lifers to manipulate women. It’s how most crisis pregnancy centers work. However I’m choosing to believe these are good faith questions.

Have fun and bring your phone charger?

I am not watching the olympics this year, but my 8 year old niece is. I am so hoping that this is the message she’s taking away from it. So many women are taught to live on the margins of their own lives, to sacrifice everything they have to meet the expectations of others. This is doubly true for women of color. I

All of this is cool, but I’m not paying 32 bucks for a one hitter even if it’s pink. 

Thanks for this article. it is both gross and disappointing to see the ‘fanfictioning’ of a little girl’s grief. But I suppose I should only be surprised that I’m surprised at this point. I think everyone needs to realize how crushingly sad this photo really is. Not only does Gianna need to navigate her grief in a

This is some grade A horseshit. This shit is common in the Trouble Teen Industry and is seriously harmful. These “counselors” who are nothing more than self important self-help disciples get to play around in kids brains and never have to deal with the fallout of re-traumatizing an individual. It’s tantamount to

Wouldn’t it be fucking great if we kept the administering of goddamn fucking traffic out of the hands of the goddamn fucking police? Why do we need a armed to the teeth police officer ticketing people for stupid fucking air freshners??? 

It’s definitely a little of column A and a little of column B. My understanding is the many res police departments operate on tight budgets with limited staff, additionally when a res member goes missing off reservation the department depends on the cooperation of other departments. Inter department cooperation is

Honey, he’s willing to literally endanger his daughter’s future and potentially leave her twisting in the wind in the case of a tragedy rather than **gasp** let her aunt care for her in a time of need. You certainly cannot make him love your sister as that is not within your power to control, but you can definitely