Mermsie Ruffles

Totally, and of course you can’t just throw a party in your backyard! You must spend thousands of dollars on a tent, and then you need the decor to make the tent look less tent-like etc. Throwing a party outside a venue is full of pitfalls and cost creep and is much more difficult to manage and execute in my opinion,

I feel like it’s important to think about this shift as part of an industry that has been totally shaken by 1. the collapse of one of their cornerstone retailers (David’s Bridal), 2. increased cost of operation and 3. consumers shrinking pools of disposable income. They’re desperate to remain relevant and essential to

That’s a cop out. He was drunk and angry and did the thing that was easy and accessible... he grabbed the gun literally strapped to his body. If he had grabbed a chair Sheryl would likely be alive today. However, he got drunk and angry and then instantly killed his wife because he kept a murder machine close to his

Yup, totally normal. It used to be more common, but I grew up with a kid that ran their own mowing businesses in the neighborhood. He maintained his mowers and weedwackers on his own as well. 

They are trying to tell us to stop eating on tables, we have perfectly good tummies. 

I’m not really going to give the state of Florida the benefit of the doubt as they have proven again and again that their laws favor some, while targeting others. But, it almost sounds like the prosecutors office is going for the slam dunk charge of manslaughter rather than murder, because they want to make sure that

Everybody knows Claude sucks and Gary was the best.

The idealized American version of “traditional womanhood” is an invention for the wealthy who can afford to not work. The history of all human kind is filled with working women. 

I like to craft and cook so I get inundated by glossy tradwife bullshit on instagram. The key is 1. getting money to start (from mommy & daddy) and 2. they often live in cheaper rural areas 3. the tradwife hustle is all about monetizing their channels and doing sponcon. These accounts are being used to sell a fantasy

It’s interesting how many episodes of Forensic Files feature women who have previously gotten away with murder, but get caught later when they try the scheme again for a second or third time. I think there is probably a fairly substantial number of women who do get away with it, but this idiot is simply too dumb.

It’s not just Michelle, it’s all wives in the IBLP by design. Even children are expected to literally swivel their heads and stare adoringly while their father drones about whatever BS they’re on about. It’s really disturbing to watch in action because it’s such an unnatural looking response.  

Ugh, I just can’t imagine moving to FL and having to do another cross country move 2-3 years later. What a nightmare for a family.

I know this was most likely a trolling throwaway comment but absolutely fucking not. Sterilization was part of the justice system for a long time (eugenics) and continues in many places (check out forced sterilizations in ICE detention centers). Additionally, the purpose of the justice system is not actually to hurt pe

See, if I walked out of a work meeting because I didn’t want to hear it I’d be fired. How is it representatives are allowed to leave the room while their constituents contribute testimony before a vote? How is it state level government has become “douchebags get elected, do no work, have no accountability” and it just

No, YOU F off. I am sick and tired of nothing changing after mass shootings bc we get mired EVERY TIME IN THE DAMN GUN DEBATE. You have LOST. It’s DONE. For the love of God what else can be done? You are ruining any chance at change by not admitting that the gun debate is lost.”

David’s essentially built itself into a useless company. It’s more expensive than most want to spend, and too cheap for the big ticket customers. Additionally, everything they offer can be bought for higher quality and less money from other vendors like Azazie. Specifically, buying bridesmaid dresses from David’s is a

Lol. Pinkerton’s are not nice or polite. WotC were polite after the fact because they realized they sent literal goons after a dude when an official letter would have worked.

Dude, he did nothing wrong. It’s a fucking toy and the toy company sent literal goons to go harass them. Have you never received an incorrect amazon package before? It’s not a crime.

My husband struggles with chronic illness and pain. It makes it really difficult for him to hold a job with static hours because his ability to function fluctuates on a day to day, sometimes hour to hour basis. Being able to get a little cash by doing DoorDash and Uber Eats gave him a some much needed confidence and

“Let’s get off the abortion conversation” aka “we spent decades courting the evangelical vote using abortion rhetoric because it was convenient and easy but like we didn’t realize they were like serious and now we don’t know how to make everybody shut up about what we did.” aka The-Dog-that-Caught-the-Car.