I'd like to think this is real Batman, but he can't fight crime because he settled down and had kids so he resorts to cute Vines instead.
I'd like to think this is real Batman, but he can't fight crime because he settled down and had kids so he resorts to cute Vines instead.
Today in Japan, bottled wine created especially for cats goes on sale. This is not a joke. Apparently.
There are just so many JRPGs out there, several are released a month, so its nice to have a change sometimes. I went back to one of my old favorites, Dune II. Great JRPG.
I was just playing this awesome JRPG called X-Com, actually. It's a nice refreshing change from another JRPG I've been playing, called Civilization V.
And you choose your own role. Will you be the drunk? The harlot? The backstabber? The quiet sneak? Will love blossom if you sacrifice your winning hand to help the pretty girl win? It gets deep.
I can't figure out how the father perished. Impalement by Forklift?
Don't let that cute shell covered exterior fool you, there could be deadly explosives hidden within his shell! I mean everyone fears the Terrtoise.
There’s only one correct way to format code, which is whichever one I’m using today.