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Release a firmware update that brick PS3

Its worst than a knockoff. Its dumb it down, as down as you can, and do it as retarded as you can. If you manage to go so deep that you do not need skill at all to play, you've got LOL.

Now i just need a quackshot remake

Back in october 2011 when i received my key i remember 500/1000 users online and now 50k all day long on just 1 year or so. Its impressive how this game grows

It's never too much when you are talking about porn

He supports you

Yes please

Thats what i said. KD means nothing

You said "if you are well into the negatives" and he wasnt killing a lot actually. KD means nothing if you are not playing carry.You could be 0/11 as dark seer and have been saving your carry and initiating the entire game but they keep focusing and killing you

Oh yes! xiao is a feeder and a useless player right?

Oh yeah supporting as tide on solo suicide lane and being 0/3 is being a feeder and a bad player right? Do you know about roles?

Go ahead you can suck as much as you want im just gonna blame you during the entire game, and if i can let you die on every team fight im gonna do it (And of course im not going to surrender)

Nope, if he wants to learn he should play 1000 games on bots or get a premade to teach him.

Why did you die? Out of position? AFK? Outplayed?

Some people like their spaghetti regurgitated pretty easy to eat, but it sucks (LOL)

or this one