Doing this isn’t why trump is president. But everyone replying to you saying Wilder was a racist IS a reason why trump was elected.
Doing this isn’t why trump is president. But everyone replying to you saying Wilder was a racist IS a reason why trump was elected.
Yeah that...That isn’t how the world works.
I am totally that second guy, but damn is it hard to try and convince people in control of budgets your department needs new hardware when they think ‘you dont do anything’. Its like, listen you little shits, the reason it looks like i don’t do anything is because i’m so damn good at my job, nothing breaks that…
Maybe you should lay off on criticizing other columnists’ Trump takes.
Well, David Brooks is a moron, to be fair.
That’s perfect. Just wanted to let you know.
One of your favorite mechanical keyboards, versatile flash drives, and a $40 Amazon tablet kick off Monday’s best…
Jayne is great. It’s a shame that Adam Baldwin is not.
Anyone else read Tina’s dad with H. Jon Benjamin’s voice?
I agree. I worked IT before switching to healthcare. You want your healthcare provider to be the same way. too many doctors are rushing from patient to patient. No time for questions, phone calls, consults, food, etc.
....The director knows its a team that goes on suicide missions, not a team from Suicide Girls, right?
Are you in tech? I don’t think it’s racist necessarily. Even in regular customer service situations, especially when trying to correct or change a flight in an emergency or what have you, if a person has a super thick Indian accent, it is really frustrating because you know (1) there will be miscommunication at a time…
When global warming/solar flares/nuclear bombs/Twitter shade wars decimate the planet and the hardscrabble remnants of humanity develop a chewing gum-based economy, you'll be glad you read Kinja Deals. Just use your riches to build a shrine to us, or something. [ 5,400 Pieces of Dubble Bubble, $34]
Osama bin Laden already killed America when the attacks of September 11 changed the whole western world from a kind of fucked up place looking to the future into a paranoid, crumbling system sinking increasing amounts of time, lives, and money trying to "secure" against additional threats when a simple notice telling…