If only there was some way to use outrage to produce something worthwhile.
If only there was some way to use outrage to produce something worthwhile.
Fucking white people. Always trying to steal the story from the black man and make it all about him.
Monitor mount is dead already.
Monitor mount is dead already.
Sure it is. When the target is white The Root just calls it “Gittin’ Whitey What They Deserve”.
Ooh! Hot take from this guy!
I, personally, am extremely far left. However, being left or far left does not, in fact, mean that white=evil, male=evil, straight=evil, and someone who is all of those is eight times more evil than anyone else on the planet.
Aww. Black Gawker has moved from “hate whitey” to “hate whitey and whitey-adjacent”.
As an IO9 reader (and as someone who is becoming less of one), you know what I like the least? The continual race/gender/orientation-baiting.
It can’t be racist if they spend all their time attacking white people.
This is a Gawker site. They barely pay attention. You want to see something entertaining, check out Bricken’s reviews. I think he still wonders who all the hungry, dirty people are in Walking Dead.
This is Gawker. A few WHITE bad apples.
Not going to answer? But I must know your specifics if I am to know for what things you should be vilified.
Sure, you say so. But we should probably no assume no guilt here.
This is Jezebel, so it’s hate because he’s male.
...and you apparently can’t tell the difference between Nicole Wallace and Nicole Sullivan.
Except he’s hurting them and they’re not hurting him.
I assume it also means I’m less likely to get gunned down in a liquor store robbery.
It’s funny. You look at, say, the struggle for Gay rights and you think that communities like the Black community would be helpful and supportive. But they weren’t. Why? Because it’s human nature.
Well, obviously. A straight black male is 2/3rds of the Gawker definition of evil.
Random Asian dudes of widely varying apparent age.