
Basically, make it like Predator. A bit of a psychological “HE’S PICKING US OFF ONE AT A TIME!” sort of thing.

Yeah, I mean let’s be realistic here. It’s the only outcome that makes the tiniest bit of sense.

My wife got hit with that last time. I didn’t. Thought that was interesting.

Well, in season one they weren’t really his crew, they were three other workers (or, two plus Naomi) from the same gigantic ship he happened to work on.

Sure it is. When the target is white The Root just calls it “Gittin’ Whitey What They Deserve”.

Exactly. If it had been about Jim Lonesome, slave-turned-smuggler-with-a-heart-of-gold in the Star Wars universe, it would have been much better.

But how can we blame it on racism?

Probably shouldn’t have cast a muscled charisma vacuum as Reese or Ted Cruz’s slightly more handsome doppleganger as John.

Other than DP and Vanessa, can you tell me the sexual orientations of anyone else in the movie?

How dare they not check every whining SJW box before making their movie?

Ooh! Hot take from this guy!

So, basically, the Gawker dream.

I, personally, am extremely far left. However, being left or far left does not, in fact, mean that white=evil, male=evil, straight=evil, and someone who is all of those is eight times more evil than anyone else on the planet.

Aww. Black Gawker has moved from “hate whitey” to “hate whitey and whitey-adjacent”.

White director? Where’s the diversity?

As an IO9 reader (and as someone who is becoming less of one), you know what I like the least? The continual race/gender/orientation-baiting.

It can’t be racist if they spend all their time attacking white people.

Have we figured out what white person is responsible for this outrage?

You’re so racist for putting that there, you must be white.

A modern boy harkens back to his roots?