
the vision I now have of cranky Andy twirling has made my day! Tyvm!

fuck that, sweetheart. I'm in a similar boat- neurosurgery earlier this year, my beloved and most excellent mother died 2 days after I got our of the hospital, and my half brother and half sister have cut me out of their stupid lives. is fine to take the painkillers and chill pulls and wait for 2015. Hugs.

what the duck does calendula DO? I'd be a hippie-oils person, but I'm too flaky at this point to commit.

Jesus she looks like Nicole Richie back on smack

No way! I didn't even know it was a book first.i totally felt that jess and the other girl were meant to in love- I'm going to the book now! Thanks!

Not really academia, but I could imagine this whole pathetic bleat coming from any of the few males from my Masters of Library and Information Science program.

Noooo! Lindy, I'm going to miss your writing!

This is such a depressing story, and I have to believe it was about race and race only.

Well, I am anti-Apple, so this does nothing for me, BUT,