
You made several assumptions about what I thought that article was. No need to condescend. I'm aware it was not without bias, but that doesn't make many of the statements any less true.

In regards to the threats and doxxing of GG advocates, you may understand that, while I don't condone those actions at all, those are

I wish you wouldn't post comments like that. It just sucks.

So you chose not to read the article?

I couldn't agree more. There is zero reason not to disclose such relationships or any kind of deal and every reason to disclose them. I feel very strongly about journalism today and I think accountability and disclosure are important.

Great points.

I've read all your arguments here. You don't understand that your group is based on hate.…
These people are who you align yourself with. They are on your "side" as you keep putting it. That means you are not on the "side" of these victims of harassment. This is binary, in this case.

The original #gamergate tweet. This is the birth of your movement.

Gamegate is an anti-feminism movement. That's where it was born, that's what it continues to engage in now. It's like saying, "I'm a good dude. I believe black people are equal to us and should have the same rights. It's just that these Ku Klux Klan folks have some other really great ideas and I'm just going to throw

You sound really judgmental and bigoted, from an outside perspective. I'm a feminist and I agree with the content of this article completely, but you are the kind of person who makes gamers, in general, feel oppressed.

Oh... you may have totally lost me with that last part. Can you elaborate on the irony regarding this and what she's written? Because that sounds close to saying that her argument, in its entirety, is as single minded as your argument on here.

Just so you know, I get what you're saying. I don't necessarily agree, but I also don't think you're a troll or someone trying to hurt the feminist movement. Sometimes people get impassioned and lash out. That, of course, shouldn't paint the entire movement into people who can't have a civil discussion because some

She never said she was neutral, only that the questions are. And it's both true and an important distinction.

This felt like you were getting angry so I walked away from this, but there is no debate. The numbers are clear and you can find them with ease. Women are valued less in our society in almost every regard and our art, whether it imitates life, the opposite, or both, reflects that. Your women friends who are shouting

No, you're incorrect and viewing this from inside a bubble. You'll notice that only a few commenters, not any other gaming sites or other organizations, are pointing out this problem that you see with Kotaku. Consider that for a moment. Then consider that you're calling this the Fox News of gaming, but you're here,

But... that's the very thing competition is for. If 1080 vs 720 is a big driver of sales, then Microsoft should have made a system better equipped to compete in that realm. Why should there be parity among competitors?

Just to clear up one thing, there is no "motion blur trick". Motion blur exists because of the framerate itself. It's inherent. More frames would mean less blur. And it's not something that's anyone is trying to fix. We've had the capability to shoot at higher than 24 fps for a very long time. In fact, for quite a

"so dumb", indeed.

Listen, you're missing the point. It's not about assuming intentions. It's saying that their are unintended consequences. This is really no different in any way from film analysis and literary analysis before it. It's nothing new. No one is saying that any game is definitively and intentionally trying to harm women or

Intentions aren't the end-all-be-all, for starters. It really doesn't matter what was intended once the work is out. For me, personally, I love to know a creator's intentions so that I can use that to further my understanding of their work. But some artists choose not to reveal their intentions. Some have long-since