You're forgiven. I prefer not to continue with you, as well.
You're forgiven. I prefer not to continue with you, as well.
It's an entertainment information blog. I can see your point, and it comes down to a matter of opinion, but I don't think what he said suggested he knew the intentions of the developer better than they knew them themselves. I think it was a joke at the expense of the art, which is both endemic of and harmful to…
No one that I have seen has suggested that any game shouldn't be made. They haven't suggested that anyone's artistic scope should be limited. No one that I have seen, including Sarkeesian and the writers at Kotaku, have said that. They are simply asking creators of these pieces of art to consider the effects of their…
It's not pathetic, in my opinion. So, in line with your words, I don't think you don't know what pathetic is. The quote you used was a desire for decency in a place where one can control, to an extent, the amount of decency. Moderating of these privately owned message boards is a good thing.
Also, the article didn't…
Wouldn't it be annoying if, after you said that, a game journalist you weren't directly speaking to jumped in to say, "I don't broadly insult people in the name of justice. I never ignored these outspoken non-offenders. I never called them misogynist pigs."?
Because whether that's true or not, it would kind of not be…
Lack of respect? You're criticizing their journalistic integrity and then saying they should show respect (read: reverence) for specific games or developers?
Simple question: Should a journalist critique her or his subject?
No preconceived notions. Please, you're looking for debate on the other side. Give me a few examples of what the other side would look like.
I don't even know what you mean by pessimistic in this regard. Are you suggesting that there's debate as to whether art and entertainment use ethnic stereotypes? It may be that…
Well, it's easy to see your own side, isn't it? Of course it would always seem, to anyone, like the other side was the one not willing to listen. But if it is that way, perhaps it's because this issue is so simple, so obvious, and finally becoming clear to the majority of people who are exposed to it. Perhaps it is…
What if my opinion, when stated, is activism? How can you separate these things? If my opinion was that segregation was wrong in 1950, saying so in a newspaper would have been a form of activism. So it's no masquerade. Furthermore, purposeful or not, hyperbole holds no value in this type of discussion, particularly…
What makes you feel like there is a danger that all or even most games will cease to cater to the white, straight, male demographic, as they always have?
At least for the foreseeable future, I think that no matter how many more gay, female, hispanic, native american, and/or black leads and major characters we see, or…
I'm willing to discuss and debate this topic with you in a civil manor. How would you like to start?
Perhaps no professional game journalists are of the opinion that women shouldn't have equal representation in video games. If those journalists do exist, some of them have undoubtably written about their opinions and, if they haven't, no one is stopping them from doing so.
I do not understand this idea that no one is…
Good point. At some point, a once-new form of entertainment/art becomes too pervasive to label its participants. I wonder if there were "movie-watchers" at the turn of the century who were considered "nerds" until films became mainstream. Either way, at some point, we realized that almost everyone watches movies and…
I recall one that was modeled after Final Fantasy VII.
There's no easy way out, but there is a shortcut home.
Evidence for something does not make it a fact. Why are so many people not just looking this stuff up? You're on the internet. Just use it to confirm what you're saying.
Agreed. 2K Games, in 2010, started testers at $10/hour and people who were there for 5+ years were at around $12/hour.
"Well that doesn't describe video games to a T..... Not at all..."
This violence comes at a very specific time, as you mention, when the reality of the world outside this sick "utopia" meets the horrific, true nature of what's going on, with relatively less violence, inside. i.e. a lynch mob that's destroying love so that the status quo can remain, allowing those in power to continue…
Stanley Kubrick was derivative because he had inspiration? Which artists are you thinking of who had no inspiration from those that came before them?