
What is the other side of the "women not being represented as equals to men in video games" issue? That they ARE represented as equals? That it doesn't matter that they are not? I'm interested.

Devoid of worth? What is the argumentation that you compare to wanting to ban To Kill A Mockingbird? I, perhaps, missed something, but I haven't heard her mention banning anything. Or creating any sort of laws to increase the number of strong women or lower the number of women represented as lesser. Can you show me

It's that women are represented in video games as lesser than men far more often than they are represented as equal to men. That's the uncomfortable truth you were asking about.

Well, as long as you are then everyone should be happy.

I was 10 when it was released but my brother was a big PC gamer so I played it. Played a lot more of 2.

It occurred before that in the slightly more original Warcraft 1.

Now playing

You may be right, but you're not explaining yourself very well and then you're getting angry at people for not understanding. And there's not any guarantee that Microsoft would open up and allow people to purchase from other storefronts on their console or allow for codes to activate digital purchases (like Steam). So

It may not, but if the service works as well as Steam on PC, then I can have a massive library of games that aren't installed, but are available to install at any time, plus the, say, 4 or 5 games I'm playing lately that I have installed now.

Everyone does things differently, so that might not be how you like to do

First intentional kill on the show. She killed the stable boy but it was by accident in the show; on purpose in the book. The show skips the other killings she does and adds a scene where she kills a Frey outside the castle in a camp who's mocking Robb after the RW.

I can't tell if I should take that as ironic.

Cheekbones and bottom lip, as well. But it really is nothing major, you're right. It's a slightly different art style and the character aged a bit.

That's right. Your mind. It is on some people's minds. Not everything should be done for your personal benefit. Or mine. Not everything should be done for any individual or single group's singular benefit. It didn't occur to me until I saw the discussion, but I'm only one person. What difference does it make if it

3) There certainly have been times and places, present and past, when and where rape was very normal, and there were no laws against it. Raping of one's own wife has been extremely common.…

Otherwise, I agree with you, and the OP, about a most everything.

You should really consider how your words might harm others. I won't call you strong or give you any credit if you don't want it. I have no interest in patronizing you. It's fantastic for you that you feel just fine about whatever's happened to you.

But you are not representative of EVERYONE who has shared 1 or more

First of all, because of this setting and the way you talk about this, I can't just give you the benefit of the doubt that your story is true. It might be; and I'm not calling you a liar, I'm just saying I can't trust you.

That being said, you can't believe your anecdotal experience should dictate the behavior of all

I really appreciate this post. I think you nailed it.

"Nobody's actually calling you a rapist; they're just asking you to hear how your words might sound to someone who's been through the worst."

I don't think the male player was intentionally making a rape joke, and it wasn't something I noticed until I saw the tweet

Who is PS4's partner for this? There share button works with FB and Twitter, but also a game upload/stream service like Twitch, right? Is it YouPlay? A quick google search didn't answer me.

I guess I'd like to see where or how she's applied any restraints to artists. She critiques the way the culture of video games treats women and points out how creators/artists of video games and related content should take responsibility and try to have a positive effect on the culture they help shape. I guess that's