
I don't want to be rude but I feel like I directly addressed every new argument you've made here. Please feel free to read back over regarding how no single instance of this trope should be demonized, how it's the culture as a whole, how pop culture affects social norms, and how it's necessary to address and to not

I tried, man. His logical fallacies and misunderstanding of the topic is making for unpleasant watching and listening. His first 2 minutes are spent on the Double Dragon thing and how it shows that Sarkeesian didn't do research, that DD was, in fact, the antithesis of the trope she was exemplifying, and that DD

Yeah, I agree. I hope you're not directing the latter half of that at me, because I was agreeing from the beginning. But yes, it's her right to block the comments regardless of what they might be. I think her series has been enlightening so far.

Great points and words. I want to also point out to loscadu and others that I imagine she goes to comments sections and forums elsewhere where she can see discussions about her work. I think it's a reasonable choice to not have vitriol sharing the screen with the product she and her team worked hard on. And for anyone

This completely misunderstands the point, I think. As does the first 1:35 of the video Arppls posted. I'll watch the rest, but I had to take a break. The girl who was initially victimized (no men were victimized and they rarely are in games, particularly when compared to women) is literally given the opportunity to

The first Iron Man is one of the all-time great super hero action movies. Plot, action, comedy, acting, drama, great dialogue. Everything except the last act. Iron Man 2 was pretty lousy and 3 was pretty entertaining.

With the "offload certain computing tasks" thing, might that mean that being online could, I don't know, decrease load times, enhance textures, run at a higher frame rate, etc? But that a user would have the choice to remain offline and not get those benefits? It hadn't occurred to me before, so I thought I might

Thanks, again, Phil. I think this language from your link is important:

Got it. Thanks, Owen. Sounded like a great deal for me at first, but it turns out it wouldn't benefit me in any meaningful way.

Thanks, Phil and everyone else.

I'll just skip this deal because I don't want it if I can't watch on my TV and I'd be worried that Phil is right and I won't get it on my PC, etc, either. I wasn't planning on getting Madden or Sunday Ticket in the first place, but I thought I might as well get both for $100. Obviously,

I'm having trouble with one thing, because the language seems to skip over this. What if I am a current DirecTV customer who does NOT have Sunday Ticket. If I buy the Madden SE, will I be able to use the code to watch Sunday Ticket ON MY TV? I know I can use it on my PC, phone, and tablet. I know that I can get the

This looks like everything Duke Nukem Forever should have been. In both style and release platform.

People all have preconceived notions and perceptions. Even those with an open mind. They make us individuals. Everyone comes from different experiences. She may just disagree with how well the film did it's motives justice. That one thing you mention may not taint every decision she ever makes or thought she ever has.

I said psychology, but I meant philosophy.

Wow, I never post but I'm so happy to see people who actually love the whole trilogy. It's a masterwork of both film and psychology.