Meow meow

Excuse the typo, it was wine for one two. A bottle is a single serving, right?

Although, if I,mbeing honest, it was really sushi for three.


I have the exact same problem! My nickname is Mo, for Maureen, and while I don't always haaaaate it, I feel like it sounds more like a joke, like a "quirky" thing, when in fact I just really don't like the name Maureen that much. Unfortunately, my middle name is also super old fashioned and I can't go by that or I

I dated a guy who loved when I was sweaty sans deodorant. Basically his dream was for me to go to yoga class without underwear on and then fuck him after. I've always been embarrassed by my stinkiness, so it was kind of nice that he liked it so much, you know? Dude makes his own kombucha, I think that explains it.

I mean, I'm not the biggest Swift fan, but even I don't wish OkCupid on her! The amount of insane people who messaged me on that website is amazing. I have an entire gallery of screenshots. Like this guy:

It's ALWAYS the schlubiest straight dudes, too. Like, does every woman you meet attempt to seduce you? Does ANY woman attempt to seduce you? No? I think you're safe from gay guys, too. They also possess taste.

UHM, this is what George did today. His head got stuck. I love my cat bebe.

UHM, this is what George did today. His head got stuck. I love my cat bebe.

UHM, this is what George did today. His head got stuck. I love my cat bebe.

Or you can be like George, and prove your love by sitting on whatever I am using at the moment. Computer, iPad, cutting board, book, sink, he just wants to show he cares.

So I've never told anyone this (friends, family, therapist) but for six months when I was 19 I worked as an escort. I also had a raging drug problem and the other girls I worked with (mostly my age, as it was an agency of sorts) were around my age and also heavy drug users. Injecting heroin was a no-no because of

Which one sells booze? I live in somerville, am willing to travel for two buck chuck.

After four years of living in Providence, where the only booze you can get on Sundays after 6 is a plastic handle of vodka out of the back of a mini-van in the shitty part of town, the fact that the liquor store by my new house in Somerville is open til 11 AND delivers is a miracle unlike one I've ever known. My ten

After four years of living in Providence, where the only booze you can get on Sundays after 6 is a plastic handle of vodka out of the back of a mini-van in the shitty part of town, the fact that the liquor store by my new house in Somerville is open til 11 AND delivers is a miracle unlike one I've ever known. My ten

THE WORST is that I CAN SEE that the guy I'm seeing sees my iMessages and then DOESNT RESPOND FOR TWO HOURS. He is so great and attentive in person, but it's new and the first time I saw that he saw a message and didn't respond for a full day, I was in shambles. DUDE, I JUST ASKED WHAT'S UP, I DIDNT SUGGEST WE ELOPE.

He's like Haagen Daas Vanilla if he thinks sex on a sink makes him a freak. If it did, I'd be labeled a sexual deviant.

He's like Haagen Daas Vanilla if he thinks sex on a sink makes him a freak. If it did, I'd be labeled a sexual deviant.

He's like Haagen Daas Vanilla if he thinks sex on a sink makes him a freak. If it did, I'd be labeled a sexual deviant.

Yep, I struggled with the fact that my dad just does not love me as much as he loves my sisters. He tries to place his lack of affection on things like not approving my lifestyle (I mean, I'm gainfully employed, have my own place, I just like punk music and have a partially shaved head.) but I've seen him four times