That’s what I'm doing
That’s what I'm doing
Is there a list of all the things that are a part of the leak in one place?
Once support for the current systems dry up seems like a drawback.
Honestly, how many systems had a good launch? Did you think the PS4 or Xbox One had good launch games?
I mean, Metalocalypse and Aqua Teen were unceremoniously cancelled and that was before the AT&T merger.
So this is the third long-running Adult Swim show to get cancelled without really getting a proper sendoff?
I thought CN was still doing good
I doubt they're in trouble
Meh. Aside from Logan and Deadpool, all the X-Men movies felt pretty similar. I’m assuming because Singer had a hand in most of them.
How was it loyal to its portrayal of the kids? Because it definitely wasn't how they looked in the comics.
Everyone I've heard talking about this movie has not called it pretty darn good. I think you're actually the first. Lol
I really thought Sony would pull something like Microsoft, where you can put in an Original or 360 disk, then it downloads a digital copy where it’s not really using the disk. Even if PS5 couldn’t emulate the games on the hardware itself, it could’ve all been done via the cloud like PSNow.
Why're you so mad
300m or 300?
PT Cruisers were great, fun cars? Say what?
Most people think PT cruisers look terrible now too.
How do you know people weren't born?
I feel like Jalopnik readers are the same way. Lol
I have a launch PS4, but pretty much stopped playing games on it this year, since I know the games should look/play better on PS5. And hopefully it doesn’t sound like a jet taking off.
Better performance and graphics, plus the fact that the PS4 and One are about to reach the end of their life.