
I don’t know. Early PS4/One games look pretty similar to later 360/PS3 games of 2012 and 2013. I don't remember being blown away by PS4 or One graphics for the first year or so either.

As a mid-millennial born a month after Ren & Stumpy premiered, I thought it was pretty funny when I watched reruns and my brother’s VHS tapes around 97-98. I would’ve been about 6.

Work in entertainment in general you mean?

What does Toshiba do any more? It’s not in the TV or computer business now. Just hard drives?

I doubt they’ll port many/any Wii games (aside from Mario Galaxy for the anniversary collection). I think they’re porting Wii U games, due to the fact that so many people missed out on them since the Wii U sold horribly. I think the fact that MK8 Deluxe sold 3 times more on the Switch really let Nintendo know that

Same here. I haven’t gone to any stores or restaurants unless I have to either.

“I don’t enjoy this, so it should’ve been cancelled.

They already have male kid characters voiced by a woman.

For there to be a second wave, the first wave needs to end first. 😂

I want to try this fruit now

Wouldn’t they announce that Miles Morales is coming to PS4 is already? I’ve never seen a company announce that a downgrade was coming later.

Sure thing!

I don't get it

Completely off-topic, but did you know you have a racist impersonating you?

I thought the daughter in college was good. Seemed like the only one though.

I liked Knives Out...

Oh God. What happened to Kim’s face?!? I'm getting Amy Sedaris vibes.

It’s a fantasy TV show, bro. It’s not that deep.

I was thinking the whole team looks pretty yoked. Not including their awful movie suits, none of the rangers had pronounced muscles in their suits.

What happens if you're in a family that's mixed? Uh oh! That doesn't play into your dumb way of thinking. Lmao