
Spiderman could be great again if Avalanche was given the license.

I actually abandoned this game after one of the earlier encounters with humans. It wasn’t that it was too hard in general, but I realized early on that there were a number of event triggers that prevented the game world from feeling alive. The promise of the alien lured me in, but the scripted events turned me off

Interesting that the PS4 version of fallout is being “Purchased by readers” at a 7:1 rate vs the XBone version.

Interesting that the PS4 version of fallout is being “Purchased by readers” at a 7:1 rate vs the XBone version.

“If your first thought at the outbreak of a real zombie apocalypse would be to grab a camera because the resulting footage will look great in your zombie movie, you’re probably a [side] character” in Dying Light.

This. I have no problems having a phone that is heavily branded. If the carrier wants to fund a beast of a phone I don’t care if it advertises itself. These bullshit apps don’t make the phone better, however. They give me something to complain about to others, something to have to work around when I’m using it.

I feel like this article wanted to look at the characteristics and development of this style of artistry and instead became a slideshow. As someone who doesn’t watch anime or read manga, this was almost entirely useless to me because it didn’t include the analysis that the author wanted to point to; instead, it

Does not apparently work with videos. I have a video of my daughter from a couple years ago that always shows up at the top of any Google gallery. It comes from a distant future of January 2036, where my daughter is always an infant.

“I wanted to read a book whose central conceit was that Jane Austen had written a zombie novel, but then it was written like a Jane Austen novel. I was disappointed.”

So... Kotaku is all dudes again? That is unfortunate. While Tina was more than the Token Girl - nobody expected the “girl side” of everything from her - she did bring experience and perspective to her journalism that will no be sorely missed.

Want to read. Don’t want to sign up for anything. Am lazy.

Must there be multiple auto-play videos on one page?

Last of Us, while having great music, did a good job of removing it in scenes of great player stress.

How is a binary, capitalized YES/NO less definitive than a range of 0-10? Granted the side box provides context, but the same context could be provided for a numerical score.

What I want are reviews written by anyone/everyone on staff that plays it (or at least side-bars of commentary where other staff have differing opinion) and a composite “score” at the bottom based on Would/Would Not recommend. A Majority of Would Not’s makes Would Not the “score.” Then, if I don’t trust that majority,

I am Joe’s complete lack of surprise.

Are you saying indignation isn’t a compelling sales tool?

I’m concerned for the 1/2 person. I hope he walks out of this ok. Or just sits there. I’m not sure which half we are talking about.

I was a big fan of Killzone Liberation.

The images in the game are male fantasy. Most studies note that the ideal of physical ideal for men and women are different. Men find highly muscular men the ideal of males: large, compounding, straining muscles. Men find thin waists, large & bouncy chests, large butts, and exposing outfits to be the ideal for women.

Because the women in Street Fighter have had such a healthy respect for the sexuality and modesty of women in the past? There are very few characters in this series (male and female) that aren’t just male fantasy, and arguing that some women have a strong sexuality doesn’t change this.