
By “billions of light years,” I think they mean “significantly less than 1.”

Although it is billions of miles from Earth at its closest?

I keep seeing articles - primarily from Kotaku, I think - that comment on the mixed feelings that people are having about Borderlands 3, but I find that most of the people that played the previous games are showing significant excitement for what comes next. I actually just replayed a big chunk of 2 and had a great

In defense of the opening shot, it reminded me so much of some of Christopher Nolan’s work in the franchise that I immediately thought, “Oh, Gotham.” Then I largely forgot that thought until the name Arkham showed up on a building. I thought it was a brilliant choice, especially for a character like this, to rely on

How is nobody talking about Danny DeVito reprising his role as the werewolf ringmaster previously seen in Tim Burton’s Big Fish, establishing a shared universe that is created entirely in the imagination of that film’s tall-tale telling protagonist Edward Bloom?

Seriously. I have small kids and couldn’t get to the theater, and have been doing my damndest to avoid spoiling “that character” that I keep seeing referred to in posts on Solo. The internet had been surprisingly good about it. And now, with just a bit longer before I can possibly see the movie without stealing it,

How did this not include an overlap of where the edge of that planet meets the inky black of space and notch? There is CSI shit that could have been here, but it seems clear that the Gizmodo team was not willing to dive deep into this issue to get real answers.

The way to make this work is to release the game immediately. Mobile games don’t have a hype engine, and expecting people to be expected for one was a waste of time; I m getting this I to hands immediately would have helped to mitigate the bad faith most are feeling now (assuming the game is any good).

Why would communism expect this work to be given for free? Wouldn’t the free distribution of materials that required labor devalue that labor?

You can also press and hold on an app and, if it has notifications, those will display in the small popup that appears. This is a pretty cool feature that keeps me from having to stretch my thumb to the top of the screen, which is uncomfortable one-handed

Having Selina in the Returns costume after noting that Booster can’t provide a decent seamstress is wonderful, by the way.

Why do you think he was spared? I think he is surprised to find that he was not spared, and is now in the soul stone himself. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him having to fight those Avengers that disappeared while those that remain go on their own time-travelling adventure.

Hoping someone answers this. I intended to ask the exact same question about the wife. We have played Borderlands together, so she can use the analog sticks, but she is regularly frustrated by feeling less capable than I am (but then I’ve been pushing characters around a screen for nearly 30 years, so...). If this is

Oh yeah, Ultron definitely would be trying to kill all of humanity, which is why it was such a shame that it felt a little tired. It also doesn’t help that the extinction event was poorly presented as a math problem.

“We shall raise Mass X to Altitude Y and release it to the Gravitational pull of Earth, G. If X

I would make a nearly opposite argument, that this fight to stop a heist presents a superhero doing the most realistic and appropriately scaled thing they could be doing. Basically every other hero has gone up against the end of the world, to the point where these stakes are so rote as to be somewhat dull. This is, I

Also, the monster as a “monster” is so extravagantly boring. It is as though it is going out of the way to be exactly the character the popular image of him has created. Philosophically, I prefer the character that shows up in Dean Koontz modern Frankenstein sequel. Maybe the magic of teleportation and such is a bit

I read through all of these replies, and now I want one of those “all the ways” videos about the varied approaches to taking these two enemies out.

This is the kind of thing that only ever happens in very special games. This sounds amazing!

Red Skull has gone into detail about how he groomed Kobik to believe in the ideals of Hydra as perfection and that it was by his design that, when Steve needed to made again into his most perfect self, she would do so by making him faithful to Hydra. I forget where this is (these damn arcs span so many different

I saw criticism (The Verge?) of the romantic relationship between a teenager and a teacher. How did you feel about that, because that seems gross.

I actually used the Amazon underground app on Android to rent Magnificent 7. Odd that it didn’t work for you. It didn’t show the 99 cent price when purchasing, but as I had already entered the “additional purchasing options” section to enter the promotional code, so my receipt showed the correct price.

I actually used the Amazon underground app on Android to rent Magnificent 7. Odd that it didn’t work for you. It