
I know someone who works at GoPro, and the poor Karma is an interesting case. Basically, from what I am told, the manufacturer shipped 2 versions of the device. One was the final hardware version with the correct chips and firmware, while the other was an earlier version that, well, fell out of the sky. The supplier,

I used the app on Android.

I used the app on Android.

Totally works on the app. It won’t show the correct price when you go to purchase (as video is bought with 1-click), but if you click on additional buying options and add the promo code, it will work just fine.

Totally works on the app. It won’t show the correct price when you go to purchase (as video is bought with 1-click),

I’m not sure it is possible to write something with more snark than is found in this write-up. It is almost as though the author thought “this is fucking stupid and I hate everyone who likes fucking stupid things” for the duration, and accidently wrote about the topic when in the middle of these thoughts. Don’t

This. “Is there a way we can remake that scene of Tobey stopping a train - and nearly ripping himself apart in the process - and make it feel... more sacrificial? You know, in a way stupid people will get it.”

“Can’t we just make him Jesus?”

They also seem to be playing up how sexy this mummy is. Much more than the last mummy. I mean, there were, what, four times in the last The Mummy remake where you thought to yourself, “That’s a pretty sexy The Mummy.”

I would love a TloU 2, if only for the multiplayer. I adore the single player, but I’m in the camp that doesn’t really expect it to get much better than the first game. I am HUNGRY for more multiplayer. More maps, more game modes, more goodness!

And more recently, the Deadpool comics.

You got him good.


4 year old girl. Same plan. :)

~30 different species have been determined to have feathers based on many specimens.

“it is infinitely disheartening to imagine Warner Bros. deciding a coherent script is necessary to make the film.”

Junkie XL does more than just score films, although he has done a lot there. I remember being a fan of him maybe a decade ago as a pretty decent remix artist. I don’t find it surprising that he has a fanbase and that that fanbase would be disappointed by his absence from the project, although I am surprised it was

Also online backups and cloud saving, which I have found invaluable and, when it launched, was a pretty big deal.

I want a female cable.

Or perhaps it wasn’t produced by Pixar, as other Pixar shorts are?

What was it about? How about the effect of loss on our emotional state and the ability of tangible reminders to provide solace? Thematic statements about guilt, and penance, and bearing the weight of our family’s legacies (and tragedies), and a number

Interesting, but there is a problem here. If you agree with any of the ethical stances the bot takes, it disagrees with you. The bot is itself a troll to people who believe in ethical positions.

Doesn’t it literally say that he does not have to have all of those version of himself and Data does so purely for the social benefit of Geordi?

I’m pretty sure I read that somewhere.