
La Mulana EX for Playstation VIA? Is this new platform being announced today? Man, way to bury the lead.

Came here to say this. Didn’t look at the picture out of principle. Fuck this

His hand seems to be doing the most casual grope I’ve ever seen.

When I look down I see my body, including my chest. Am I weird?

But Microsoft said they would do it, and [appears to be doing so].

The PS+ deals were in place well before PS4 arrived on the scene, so it wasn’t a blow softened. Online only games are free from this PS+ cost restriction, by the way. So you can go ahead and play some great single player games (Last of Us, Killzone, Second Son), and still enjoy some online only (Realm Reborn,

My wife realized this last time we watched the movie. The answer is “need car dropping from tree scene.”

It must be tough on his knees to constantly be relocating

I know, right? I just picked up a smart TV that released about the same time as the PS3 (2006), and it runs like garbage. It is like they just gave up on this piece of previously-cutting edge technology simply because it is almost a decade old.

These shorts show a take on DC heroes that is so bathed in gender expectations that I’m surprised a twelve-year-old didn’t conceive them.

Speculation: If this is the Nathan Drake collection, is there a chance that the 5th console Uncharted game will follow a new protagonist?

Thank you. There are many reasons not to teach, and only a few emotional/psychological reasons to do it. I didn’t even mention all of the garbage that comes with IEPs that can result in you getting sued, a few of which are mentioned on twitter by @SoThatsTeaching:

Teacher - My day starts at 8 and ends at 3:30.

As far as dealing with life after school, I would ask if you have any formal education in the implementation of training of any sort. You don’t teach a bunch of ways to do something. You teach one. Options come later.

Showing work is not just about getting an answer right, or giving proof of method. It is also training for understanding mathematical processes. I loved don’t math in my head as a kid, and was often frustrated - pointlessly - by my teacher’s insistence that I show work. Of course it would not have required much labor

I get it, you’re that guy that talks loud because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about! Nailed it. You should do theater!

I still look at de_inferno and think, “that new map sucks.” this is a silly thing to do, but I can’t help it.

I don’t know if I believe that anyone is 100% dick.

Calling it: Simmons dies in the finality. Good.

So much hate for graffiti, and yet it is a documented aspect of peace, chock unrest, and war.