
Gah, still looks dumb (IMO), damn Nintendo...

Playing the second part of Bravely Default make me wonder: “What I am doing with my life?”... so repetitive and annoying...

Yeh, this is pretty common now. And you can always get yourself a retropie or recalbox for the good old days.

Ok, this is one of my favourites articles about videogames ever.

Obviously it works...

Is this post Frog Fractions 2?

OMG, merry Christmas to me!!

Aranea is my favourite character of ff15, she is so cool in every aspect.

After my first 2 hours session of gameplay I purchased the season pass. I convinced me right away.

“Doom is good awesome” FTFY

That’s a good thing ;)

Damn, is like he did some pretty bad stuff to you... Why are you guys so salty about him?

amazing chest ahead!

Lame/bad players that need immediate satisfaction.

Yeah, I randomly see some 150 and above, must be nice.

Well... I reached level 65 yesterday in Rainbow Siege....after almost a year...

Second image is with the update, 3rd is before the update.

Are you from Bethesta’s PR?

Geezus just leave them there, anyway a mod will be release the next second after it gets patched.

Hoochie mama!!