I loved when they talk to me through my wii-mote (or whatever the controller name is).
I loved when they talk to me through my wii-mote (or whatever the controller name is).
We don’t want that, gives us Nevada, California and Hawaii instead.
This is awesome!
Holy shit, Bulletstorm!!! it was my favourite shooter for last gen =D, I am so happy T.T
Damn people and their personal tastes!!
This is even worse than the Overwatch Chinese rip off.
A Tokyo in Show Game?
Yeah, it’s pretty good shit. Like when you unload a massive brick and your body is happy kinda shit.
I will go for the pro if you have the means, eventually you might upgrade to a 4K Tv and if not, it will be better for VR and 1TR is nice.
Now, if somebody could review the PS VR, that would be awesome.
Time flies...
It is really fun, I go back to it every month.
Back in the early 200s? That’s a looong time ago.
The movie was beautiful, the story..... not so much, the last part of the movie made me angry, it feel so incomplete and weird, I mean the village people saying those things to you know who...it felt so awkward...and the last words....it felt super flat.
We live in a really “interesting” society right now...
it’s pre-alpha actually
Yeah, some of my friends were saying the same, I have to explain to them it was a pre-alpha release, that they should calm down. Basically, they don’t care if is pre-alpha, alpha, beta or an actual demo or whatever they just want a polished game from the start.
I really like the alpha test, the time flew really quicky so I was having a lot of fun, to be a pre-alpha it seems solid so far, hopefully the will have a better use of the titans in the future.
These people need to come to live to a third world country, so they can understand the difference between an actual problem (like trying to not get kidnapped in your way to work/home) and these “issues”, goddamn!
Deep fantasies probably.