$300!? man, I must have skipped over that part just out of sheer “glad that’s not my experience” The last time I bought an ounce it was about $170. and thank god for that! (Ontario ftw, for once)
$300!? man, I must have skipped over that part just out of sheer “glad that’s not my experience” The last time I bought an ounce it was about $170. and thank god for that! (Ontario ftw, for once)
Yeah but....the $700 weed is wrapped in gold foil, like a fancy chocolate! Not wrapped in a sandwich bag that is stuffed into another sandwich bag to try and kill the smell. It’s special.
Never have the character tell you his thoughts? I just have to agree to disagree with you there. In no way is internal dialogue a bad thing. This has been used in mediums for centuries regardless of what form it is in.
“I came here to say that a movement that has been defined by the loudest voices—those shouting some really awful shit—should be respected for the folks who cannot or will not stand up to the corrosive elements within that movement. Now that I’ve had my say, I intend to run, for I fear criticism and am incapable of…
You should probably also point out that feminism literally means equality. Pretending that feminism is anything but (or allowing people to say so) is just derailing again. Whatever other things someone who self-identifies as feminist may believe, it’s the belief in equality that makes them a feminist, just like anyone…
Why? As far as I can remember the anime followed the manga pretty closely.
“Feminism” in most of its forms has been the continuous attempt to address the long lasting and pervasive cultural, legal and personal inequality that has plagued women.
As time has gone on, “feminism” has expanded from its initially narrow goal of achieving political equality (largely deriving from Romantic and…
The thing about ‘ethics’ that bothers me is that for years we’ve had big popular games like Call of Duty and whatever Triple A game of the month take up ad space on the front page of a gaming website that’ll give that game a high score, and nobody said anything about it. It wasn’t until a woman may have slept with a…
“Don’t push feminism on your reader (push equality!).”
Last time I visited KiA to see what they were talking about now, the entire front page was occupied with threads about the pathology of the SJW. It was like a phrenologists’ convention. The ethics notion was proven wrong months ago, when it became clear they did not want to fight blatant ethical breaches by the…
If GamerGate were actually about ethics in journalism, they would not be actively trying to destroy Kotaku — a site that refuses press junkets, regularly pisses off game publishers through aggressive journalism, and is just about as transparent as any gaming site can be — they’d be going after Metacritic and exclusive…
Dude, “Don’t push feminism” basically means “Don’t talk about anything that says that women have a bum rap.” Back in the 50s, lots of people down south didn’t have a problem with black folk.....so long as they ate at their own lunch counters. Saying “hey, maybe we deserve to eat with y’all” was “pushing an agenda.”…
It’s funny how GG is trying to spin it as “different political opinions are banned!” or “Leftists kick girl gamers out! Misogyny!”
Ten months is walking unassisted. Twelve months is pretty solid. Two and a half is in full-on demonchild mode.
Man, I was really gunning for her for a minute.
It's like Behind Closed Ovens for nerds. I love it!
When I worked electronics at Walmart in rural Wisconsin (as if that doesn't set up my story beautifully enough...seriously, if you want, just use your imagination to finish the rest), I would deal with a lot of older folks who not only had no idea how to technology but were often PROUD that they had no idea how to…
Years ago (I think I was about 9), my parents, aunt, and I were visiting some giant mall in Boston. I found a holographic Raichu card from the Fossil deck near an elevator. I looked around and didn't see anyone, so I picked it up off the floor and stepped into the elevator with my family.