“Sir, I know I am the only woman that works here, but it made me really uncomfortable when you hired a bunch of young, beautiful women to entertain the other employees at parties.”
“When you think about going to a party, when you don’t have any models, it’s going to be 90/10, or even greater, male-to-female,” he said. “Adding in some females changes the dynamic quite a bit.”
Yeaaah, who wants to guess the average age range of the female models?
Did it occur to him that the female models might make the women feel exactly as awkward as the male models made the men feel? No. No it did not.
“The male models were just standing around talking to themselves, and they were relatively young relative to the other men at the party. It created a bizarre feeling they didn’t anticipate.”
They got zero complaints. SO? What the hell would be the point of a tiny minority of women complaining about this very bro solution to the problem of too many bros- to give them an excuse to label you a “bad fit with the culture”? This guy has no awareness of the fact that the women workers would feel precisely the…
“Freezing is a third fear response recognized in the field of psychology but, for some reason, missing from public discourse. Someone tries to put a hand on me; I’m uncomfortable, but I can’t move or speak. “No” is not clear.”…
As I said elsewhere, this is not about Caitlyn Jenner. Whether you like her or not, when you have a mainstream comedian on national television casually misgendering and using slurs and incorrect pronouns, it legitimizes it at a time when there’s already enough horrible people demonising and criminalising being…
Word problem:
Question: do you have siblings? I am the youngest of three (two older brothers) and I’m pretty sure I heard/felt this from them until about age 25. I don’t think it’s that uncommon...especially between siblings of different sexes.
Everyone and their grandfather has made the “women drivers” joke at this point. Regardless of whether or not it’s offensive, it’s just... tired.
yeah that doesnt make it okay. it’s on the adult to turn down the child.
That escalated quickly.
ive been seeing a lot of “it was the 70s!” like fucking drunk 13 year olds was cool then or something
It’s so interesting to read that many female saints entered religious life to avoid the constraints of domestic life given the Church’s role in keeping women out of public life.
I love this bit so much. He also talks about how a woman’s #1 fear on a date is being murdered, where a dude’s #1 fear is being rejected. Oh, boohoo!