Mei Kusakabe

In November, Gov. Snyder, the state of Michigan, the city of Flint and 13 additional public officials were named in a lawsuit brought by Flint residents

You are right. She was in no way ‘freakish’ but a film would make her so. The cartoons created of her by racist white males were the distortion; the freakshow of the contents of their own heads.

This isn’t an immigration issue; this is a male issue. See also: rape culture; patriarchy; misogyny; domestic violence; crime statistics; sexual assault statistics; gun violence statistics...

So when women are sexually assaulted by Arab appearing men, the solution is obviously we close the borders.


No. Being proud of her own success - at her career and at not getting pregnant - is not an implied criticism of other women.

wait so this editorial board works near some of the richest people in the country in the OC so does this mean that they also can be paid $0.50/hour

This is why whenever I need to get some food, I just go to the supermarket and hang out by the checkout. I get to be in close proximity to people who have food, which is the same as having it, yourself.

Hell, it’s not even trickle down economics anymore. Apparently, you’re supposed to just be happy to be in the physical vicinity of that kind of money.

There is only one solution:

I hear the best way to win a legal custody battle is to bitch about it on twitter...

No. Bill Maher did.

I used to write him & his sister off as obnoxious & horribly over-indulged, and while they are certainly that, I'm sort of enjoying how comfortable he is not conforming to seemingly anything.

“Everyone else is...a she looks normal.” Did the Vanity Fair writer actually just say that?

I didn’t catch that but you’re right; that is an interesting non-denial denial.

The severity of her accusations are false and extremely harmful. I’m not sure she realizes the irreparable harm of her actions.

As far as denials go that’s some pretty weak sauce. I just think that if I were accused of raping someone and I hadn’t raped anyone, my response would be less “Think of how this is affecting my public image” and more getting on rooftops and screaming to anyone who will listen “FUCK NO, I DID NOT RAPE ANYONE!” You

My career and life do not deserve to be taken away without some basic level of due process

I know small batch breweries are all the rage these days but this is taking it a bit too far.

a rare medical condition called “auto-brewery syndrome,” in which the woman’s digestive system converts common food carbohydrates into alcohol.