Mei Kusakabe

Confession time. I have a huge phobia of becoming pregnant and a slight phobia of pregnant women. The sight of a bump sends mild chills down my spine. So I'm not judging pregnancy, I'm just scared of it. I'm a freak. Also, and I'd never ever admit this outloud: I'm slightly jealous of all the attention and praise that

YOU GUYS I want an actual Muslim president so bad. It doesn't even matter where he or she stands on the issues; it would be worth it just to watch these morons cry and shit themselves.

I have yet to see homophobia in Finland, but there are also more bears than people in a lot of areas there.

I'm with you on this one. I don't think it's the worst thing you can do to your children but it definitely feels wrong to poke holes in your baby for fashion's sake.

I agree - I think it's pretty fucked up to take that choice away from someone

Yesss. I didn't get any piercings until I was 14, and I went nuts at that point and filled my ears up with piercings. Which is as it should be, because it was my choice. I see no reason to do that to a baby. It's stupid, and you're basically training your girl children to have pain forced on them for beauty early

I agree, I don't think it's something that should be done at that young of an age. I never wanted my ears pierced, but I was sort of pressured by my parents, because "Everyone else has their ears pierced!" To this day, I don't wear earrings. They're a nuisance and I can only wear sterling silver anyway. All the cute


i totally agree with you. Not my body to modify. If my daughter wants to punch holes in her body thats up to her.

i hate my pierced ears, my mom did mine when I was a baby. For whatever reason they are horribly off but close enough to being right that I can't get a new piercing to fix it. I never wear earrings because I looks weird. Plus the holes always seem to get infected. I hate ear piercing on kids. They should choose.

...because it's a normalized thing in your culture. None of those are good enough reasons to permanently scar your child's body.

Not to mention how unsanitary and icky those guns are. My mom made me go to a licensed tattoo and piercing shop with an A rating from the BBB where they would do it with a bevel needle. Those guns are havens for germs, and I've known way too many people who have had horror stories from those things, varying from

It's funny, because I wonder how people on here would feel about tattooing babies.

This is so weird. Another thing that is weird is when parents get their baby's ear's pierced. Please explain this to me.

This makes so much more sense! I was having trouble reconciling the positive things I've heard about the film with the content of the song (too over-the-top, saccharine, etc.). I wish more people would just add this disclaimer.

Intersectionality is a lesson that many people need. Think the Ivy can fit approx. 300 million?

I'm not watching this one because I'm in public "doing work," but generally, I feel like they are a mix between people who are just desperately lying to be on camera, and people who feel like they are caught on camera and don't want to look foolish. I'd like to think I would just admit I haven't seen any of the

It's supposed to be a deliberately awful propaganda song in the context of the film, if that helps.

I'm sorry, but there is something very wrong with anyone who wasn't made happy by that performance. It was ridiculous and overthe top and about the best thing on the Oscars.

What show are you watching, because it must not have been the fun and yes, awesome, performance I watched. I could not stop smiling.