
...nice people don’t ask for free drinks.

The lesbian wedding was the end of Season 2, where Monica and Richard broke up at the reception.

“Critics find her...” is code for a rhetorical construct created by those who fear her very strength. Warren doesn’t lack charisma; to the contrary, she’s got it in abundance, and that’s precisely why this canard is repeated constantly - to convince people that they’re not seeing the very qualities they are seeing.

Youngsters don’t talk on the phone. They only text/whatsapp/etc.

$2.78 million? My sweet lord!

I realise it’s a huge cast but the fact that Danielle Brooks or Adrienne C Moore have never been singled out for individual awards attention is a bigger crime than anyone’s committed in Litchfield [well, maybe not the murdery ones].

The Americans probably had the best final season I’ve ever seen. And yes, I’m including Breaking Bad in there. Jerk that show off all you want (and I sure did for a long time), it never had the nuance The Americans had in my eyes.

Well, the show’s wonky timeline explains the first objection: it was 201X when the show started, and so it’s very possible that in the current wonky timeline version of the show Maritza would have qualified before committing a felony. (I didn’t know about the felony distinction, so I appreciate that clarification).

The Americans. After a very slow 5th season the show completely blew everything up and it landed really well. 

30 Rock. The front half is as energetic and funny as the show has ever been, and the last chunk of shows keep that hilarity going while giving just enough weight and dignity to characters who didn’t ordinarily get it. It’s also weirdly satisfying and kind of audacious to see the finale hand over a sizeable amount of

My guess: Data *chose* to visibly age, so as to further explore the experience of being human. 

Stick to sports.

So if Chance the Snapper was female, would her name then be Lori Bitefoot?

Seriously. If there was ever a valid reason to give a free pass to a less-than ideal” candidate, unseating Mitch would be it.

Bingo!  And Sinema ran on health care.  A vast amount of Kentuckians rely on Medicaid expansion.  It worked.  I think it has at least a chance of working in Kentucky.

She's offering the exact moderate Democratic political profile Kyrsten Sinema just ran on in crimson red Arizona. And won.

Mitch McConnell does not “kind of suck”. Mitch McConnell is the architect of the end of the United States and does what he does solely out of spite. He is the embodiment of hatred and corruption.

This is what a viable Democratic challenger looks like in Kentucky.

She “kind of sucks” because she’s only moderately left and doesn’t support the asinine Medicare for All “proposals” that are out there?* That’s all it takes for someone to suck? Good grief.

*I work in health policy. I am 100% in favor of universal coverage and single payer. The current Medicare for All proposals are

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.