
It is funny. The first half is funny and then in the second half she carries on to talk about issues that put the first half of her show in a whole new light. That's why it needs to be in a comedy format, rather than a Ted Talk because she deconstructs her own show and if your expectations aren't that you're going to

I mean, she had the biggest stand-up special of last year so I really feel this on you for not knowing her.

Wow, the new Mayor came through the door, swinging! This is going to be amazing to watch!

I live in the suburbs. I genuinely hope she is successful and makes a positive difference for the neighborhoods. Chicago is an amazing city with some of the best people, and it’s been struggling.

I know that everyone is hating on Frankie, who is clearly struggling with gender-identity issues. He calls himself Duke’s brother in the message he sent so I think it’s fair to say that Frankie prefers to be addressed as he, so really, all the pronouns in this recap are incorrect and should be changed. But Frankie

What did you expect a person named Kay to look like?

It’s a sad, sad day when an AVC inventory leaves out an obvious contender from The Simpsons. Santa's Little Helper may be dumb, destructive, and sloppy, but that just makes him a perfect match for Bart and Homer.

Are you comparing this episode to an averaged season’s episodes from a decade ago? If so, doesn’t that seem like a less than useful comparison? Or are you comparing this episode to a single episode? If so, which episode?

Nah she’s cool

I refuse to believe that this is the last we’ve seen of Michael. My #teamMichael opinions aside, we didn’t get Brogelio! They’d never do us dirty like that. 

The kind of Serious Fashion GFY mocks basically positions itself as art, though. They don’t do sleazy “celeb looks scruffy while heading to gym” stuff; it’s all outfits that are worn with the expectation — for the purpose — of being discussed.

You. Have. To. Set. The. Table. 

A lot of people are going to die next week. They wanted us to spend time with everybody, so the deaths will mean something.

The big woman still here?

I don’t really even think she’s that. Remember she started as a progressive of sorts and when she didn’t get any traction, she became a “conservative”. She’s a narcissist for hire. She desperately needs accolades and she gets them from the right for now. If she changed course, like Arianna Huffington and the left

Someone on Twitter called her David Duke’s maid and that’s how I’m referring to her from now on.

Danette -just wanted to thank you for continuing these recaps. I don’t often have much to add to the discussion, but I always come here immediately after watching, and I always enjoy reading your thoughts & analysis of one of my favorite shows out there.

Um, excuse me, tauntauns are space lizards? Have you lost your damn minds? Obviously they are cuddly space kangaroos, I mean Jesus Christ.

CPD cannot be trusted. This whole thing has been a giant clusterfuck.

Girl. No. This is a bad take and you should feel bad about it.