
Shit like that nonsense Randall pulled on the phone is one reason why the divorce rate is over 50% and why some folk die alone.

Oh, she needed a running start to plant both of her feet in his ass. Randall...WHAT???!!! The Pearson brothers were a special kind of stupid last night. How are you going to FIX YOUR FACE to talk about HAVING KIDS when we’re in couples counseling, you were drinking in the hospital , LYING about it and you are FOUR

Me during that scene followed by “Nigga, what?!”

Bowfinger is one of those delightful little gems that I’ve only ended up liking more as time goes by. It’s still one of my favorite comedic take-downs of Hollywood. (The first time I saw it, which I think was actually during its original run in theaters, I was several years away from having any idea what Scientology

As an HR professional, I have some issues here...

There’s also the former office drunk (because this was the age when alcoholism was funny), who thanks Dabney Coleman’s character at the end of the movie for setting up an in-house program to deal with substance abuse, something that’s pretty commonplace now.

I wish NBC had given their trademark tender loving care to Great News.

sir, this is an Arby’s

I’m going to need one reason that the Splinter/Jezebel crowd is going so hard for Sanders and ignoring Elizabeth Warren. I’m going to need one reason that Sanders is better than Warren other than “has a penis” to not conclude y’all are have internalized misogyny to such a degree that you can be ignored.

Jezebel will write concern troll heaut takes about all other dem candidates, but this white daddy is untouchable. 

Allow me to re-introduce myself
I’m fuckin old
Only a democrat when it suits me
Fauxgressive as the group of people screaming my name
White liberal pandering is the name of the game

When this Black man put on a tuxedo dress, it caused my wife to leave me and my dog to run away. Also, I’m pretty sure that I’m gay now. Thanks Obama.

I let the first mention slide, but after the second mention, Imma have to fight Micheal Benatar-style.

You know what, I am just gonna say what we ARE all thinking here people!  I DO like a Pat Benatar ditty!  And I am not ashamed.

I love Amber! More Amber brilliance in everything please.

... with brandy? 

I recall when I was in Madison WI the Old Fashioned was the go-to drink as well.

Method Man? I mean he is technically the most accomplished of the Wu. For real over at Splinter they are already getting their black people lecture talking points in order: 1. Bernie marched with Dr. King. 2. Bernie is the true progressive. 3. You all don’t know what you need. I mean watching him go down in flames

But he marched once in 65!

Hey, thanks for this—that’s legitimately a terrific compliment. (Also, excellent username.)