This trend is adorable. We need more adorable young men trends that do not include guns and trump flags.
This trend is adorable. We need more adorable young men trends that do not include guns and trump flags.
Yes. Despite being 40, and having zero interest in the Minions movies, this trend is very funny to me.
Aww, thanks so much JS!
Just wanna say thank you for being so terrific at your job. The readership will forever be in your corner!
I think you mean “French”
Damn, it’s jaw-dropping how some of these commenters have completely forgotten the ability to quietly not care for something - to the extent that they feel like the culture is forcing them to like it. Don’t blame glowing reviews for your reduced skills in Skipping The Product.
I am “A Fifth of Beethoven is a song that needs to be tracked down” years old.
At the apex of the C-word fight, when Sam yells “You’re a C-word, your sister is an a-hole, and your other sister is great!” followed by Duke’s “Thanks Mom” made me laugh and was the funniest moment I believe
I love this show. From the opening on the piano to the final fight and resolution. No scene wasted. No filler even when it feels like filler.
Random trivia moments - the movie quotes sketch was originally in the dress rehearsals for David Harbour and Adam Driver. The talk show sketch was originally in the dress rehearsal for John Mulaney. Bowen’s Update character was also originally in that dress. The talk show sketch was based on this Patti Labelle…
I think Picard’s characterization rings true, for the most part. Any arrogance he has, he came by honestly, with a history of being able to warp in and take control of the fleet with a single word. Without the Starfleet structure, he’s flailing. That all works for me.
Been really enjoying going through all your Bojack episode reviews! They’re really well written, and your observations are great!
That last shot is one of the great endings. I don’t read it as bittersweet - to me, it says that behind every window there’s a great story. Carly Simon’s triumphal music boosts the emotions.
An A? Just an A? If there was ever a time to pull out the A+, this was it. This will go down as one of the best series finales ever.
This take sucks. All it does is play into Republican hands: “See, even the liberals expect this from us”. It didn’t look like Nixon was going to be convicted until public support demanded it, and then he bailed. Letting Republicans off the hook before we even put them on it is defeatism.
His mom was my French teacher many years ago and she was delightful. Glad to see Mme Meyers is doing well and still spending time with her “beau mari Larry!”
I think people whose family gatherings aren’t full of spite and misery are the silent majority.
I had never heard of the power cuts caused by the 1974 miners’ strike, and was baffled that any government would think that such a catastrophic disruption to everyday life would ever work out for them electorally.