
Sweetheart, you’re a beautiful person and it doesn’t take a celebrity to make your life have meaning!

Thank you for apologizing and I do accept your apology. I read this entire article and all the comments and I just want to let you know that a woman not giving her male partner oral sex while still wanting oral sex performed on her is not the same thing.

In a perfect world, women would be able to easily orgasm from any

Can someone help me out and tell me how to pronounce "Delevingne" please?

Sure honey. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Huh. I think it's REALLY telling that you are so very ready and willing to negatively generalize women ("The Female Response") here but are completely unwilling and unable to believe ANY negative generalizations about men.

That's not the same at all. You want to know why? Because a LOT of women can only orgasm with oral sex.

Which means these guys that refuse to go down on their women are still getting off with PIV intercourse, handjobs, anal sex, etc etc, but aren't giving their partners ANY orgasms at all.

So, does that still seem

I think it's really fucking funny how many pissed off men in here are whining about this because they don't understand how female orgasms actually work.
Here's a tip for you guys. TONS of women can't orgasm AT ALL unless they get oral sex. TONS of men either won't do it, won't do it for long enough or SUCK AT IT and

I don't see how you can NOT notice the irony in fully admitting to being what you'd call a "terrible lay" for not liking oral sex either. Great job man. xD

Live in Oklahoma. Can confirm it's Satan's armpit.


That's a real stand-up thing to do for people. It's folks like you that make multiplayer games worth playing.

It's really VERY easy to get taken in by patriarchal brainwashing these days. Femmephobia is so culturally ingrained in our society today it's practically invisible. Even good Feminists and human rights activists fall victim to it all the time. It's kind of like air, we take it in the moment we're born.

You are getting my star just for being a MST3K fan! REPRESENT WOOT WOOT!

Playing with makeup is one of the few amazingly awesome things women can do that men get punished for in our femmephobic society. I feel bad that men "can't" wear makeup (or be told that they're "gay", etc), because seriously, makeup is fucking FUN! ART FOR YOUR FACE, WHAT CAN BE BETTER?!!

I've been on Lit since 06 on the forums and feel like such a noob that I've read all of about a dozen stories on there. It's like no one writes good interracial porn anymore!

I can only star you once, but here's a gif for you and your excellent post.

A quick head's up, (This is to everyone and not just you, Unwholesome!) if we flag ICan'tRememberHowNotToBeADickhead we might get the attention of the mods.

Nothing like a bully showing up to bully a kid that died because of bullying to make you lose hope for humanity.

Thank you for standing up for your students. I know they appreciate that and I would have too, when I was a student being bullied.