
Hey, do us all a favor and STFU? That'd be great. Thanks.

Exactly right! You would think that people who supposedly adhere to the "Love Thy Neighbor" philosophy of Christianity would be waaaaaaay invested in protecting and loving their children. It blows my mind every time I see a "Christian" group enabling horrific child abuse.

Because he IS.


IN meth or ON meth because honey....

Awww, that is cute as fuck!

"Just, come on, man, use your tongue."

Dude, be realistic.

My problem is the fact that you believe such a ridiculous stereotype in this day and age. You're here on Jezebel, which means you probably tend to not follow herd mentality blindly, which means you might want to educate yourself about what types of people smoke pot so that you can rid yourself of that ignorance.

If I was single I would use THE SHIT OUT OF THIS APP. This is the best Highdea ever.

Static+Cat=Comedy Gold

Who the hell is this again?

10/10 for tampon/drugs story with your screen name.