
And then everyone is surprised when they melt down and have episodes like Brittney Spears and Amanda Bynes, which just increases the spotlight and the thumb pressing down on them, just worsening the problem. 

Haha are you really doing a “guns don’t kill people” here? Alcohol is a danger factor in fights and it’s napalm in abusive relationships. I love booze. But let’s not pretend it’s risk-free.

So, your singular personal experience applies to everyone?

Sorry, but no. I disagree with you completely. Alcohol changes the way people act. A lot of times for the worse. Saying it doesn’t is either ignorance or an outright lie.

The Juice amplifies emotions in a big way. It makes angry people want to fight. Dont be disingenuous.

I remember back when Television Without Pity existed, the guy who played her dad on Heroes wrote a brief series of articles for the site. One was about her and her real father, who was every bit as bad as Lohan’s or Megan Markel’s, and entitled “The Media Wants To Destroy Young Women.”

Agreed. Framing her as a bad mother is really cruel. And ironically, not seeing her kid and leaving her to be raised by her ex and his mother is probably the best thing she could do as a mother, rather than keeping her with her and exposing her to her abusive relationship and putting her at risk.

There were blind items about her that her dad sexually abused her from an early age, her mom knew but didn’t do anything to stop it. It’s not uncommon for abuse victims to have substance abuse problems and complicated relationships

And alot of people hold hollywood with such high regard. I’m like why? alot of this stuff gets swept under the rug.

I remember that too. It said she was abused by her family growing up.

I think that because they have portrayed her as a “bad mother” the tabloids feel free to pile on at every opportunity to prove their point.

There have always been rumors that she enjoys things a little rough. Certainly those are rumors that feed the gossip meters and can’t be proved or disproved, but she does seem to seek out abusive men. I don’t remember any abuse allegations with Klitschko, but being three times her size and a boxer makes him fit the par

One of the main reasons victims of abuse don’t leave is not some psychological prison but because of the very real fact that violence escalates when they leave or press charges. Most women murdered by intimate partners are murdered immediately following them ending the relationship. It’s not just up to her to leave,

Calling this “her abuse by Hickerson” is strange passive phrasing. Shouldn’t it be “his abuse of Panettiere”? I understand that she is the focus but phrasing it passively like that takes onus away from the abuser.

What kills me is how these assholes get away with it time and time again because even if they’re arrested and charged they can’t be convicted unless there are witnesses but the victim rarely testifies because she’s too scared and/or in love with her abuser, and friends and family can only do so much. And this is a

I’m a busty woman. I’m also a hypersensitive autistic who experiences sensory overload and nonverbal episodes.

They deserve each other. I think this is the perfect match made in hell.

Someone should introduce her to Dov Charney.

“...Agrawal replied that anyone larger than a 3X ought to go to the gym and lose weight rather than purchase new underwear”

Equal opportunity dipshittery. Truly the American dream :-/