
"The more openminded you become, the less uncomfortable you are."—The Dalai Lama

I think if all the stalls were cubicles for maximum privacy, non-gendered bathrooms would be BRILLIANT!

YAY another ASMR fan here!!

What a LOT of men seem to miss is a LOT of Feminists are "Average Girls" who also dress up, like compliments, cook, and are domestic. Feminists aren't AGAINST traditional gender roles, we just want the ability to choose whether people follow them, and are okay when people DON'T follow them.

But then they complain that women are "Hypergamous whores" who only fuck rich men.

I'd wager a guess that MOST Feminists are fully aware that the Big Three are Patriarchal. It's pretty obvious.

I personally find the term horribly minimizing and trivializing the very real horrors of the holocaust.

I never understood why some boys hate Feminism so much in one hand, but want sexually liberated women to sleep with on the other. It's Patriarchy that sexually represses and slut-shames, but God Forbid we work towards gender/sexual equality so that we CAN have sex without negative social repercussions!

I give you a star for the World of Warcraft card. plus, Druids are smexy.

That's New Vegas, specifically the DLC called "Old World Blues".

AHMAHGADZ I am a MAAAAASIVE FNV fan you have NO IDEA how many hours I've poured into that game. It's so nice to see other Fallout fans on Jezebel! BEST FRIEND!

My disabled parents live with my husband and I and our two kids, and we go through about 5 gallons of milk a week, plus four boxes of butter, a gallon of ice cream, two containers of cream cheese, two large bags of string cheese and a huge box of Kraft sandwich slices a month and that's buying CONSERVATIVELY. It

Because sometimes all you need is for your opinions to be confirmed with proof.

I'm going to share something really personal with you. Sometimes I talk to people about stuff like this and I don't always get positive responses. And sometimes my husband sees me frustrated or crying and says to me that maybe I should just stop trying.

Thank you, I appreciate your politeness and level-headedness over this very prickly subject. It's not everyday I connect as well with the people I talk to. You're a good sort.

It's more common here in Oklahoma and in the heavily Native populated Southern US. I haven't been called a 'Red' or 'Redskin' since I was a kid and I honesty can't tell you if it's because I look white now or because the term "fell out of favor", but not being bombarded with racial slurs is pretty sweet, and I intend

I feel as though the tone you had through this was apologetic. But I can't tell.

It's not annoying. it's painful. As a half-Choctaw/Cherokee person who grew up on a very poor reservation as a child, I know exactly what it's like to feel and look different from my peers, and be treated as such. Being called a "Squaw" and a "Red" wasn't fun. My dad's side of the family, very obviously not white,

Do you think the term 'gyp' just appeared out of the nether? 'Getting gypped' means 'getting "GYPSIED", because the Irish Travelers/Romani/Other ethnic groups categorized as such were slandered as con artists, thieves and criminals. For the third time, the information is there on the links. Read them. Please. Stop

As I said before, the proof has been laid out for you. I've provided links for you to read. I've given you the opportunity to educate yourself to be more empathic, kinder and wiser. It's up to you now to take those steps to better yourself. Good luck.