Can I just say, Kelly, THANK YOU for writing this. I was a MASSIVE fan of Reading Rainbow when I was a kid (I was already a huge LeVar fan from his time on Star Trek!) and every time I think about the show I get a huge case of The Warm Fuzzies.
You DO know that you're promoting co-opting a word that is used to hurt and kill Transgender people -every single day-, right?
*hugs* It's okay.
So what's the "total accountability" and the "perils" that we're, supposedly, NOT doing right now?
I wish they had mods that actively patrolled the threads and removed ANY bigoted nutjobs instantly. No warning, no wrist-slapping. INSTANT BAN.
Do you really think it's appropriate to tone police in a world where she's likely to face domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape or murder SIMPLY FOR BEING FEMALE?
If 1 in 6 white men were murdered by black men, the fear would be justifiable.
The origins of the word don't matter. They've been used for decades now to harass and harm transgender people. Is it SO hard for you to understand how horrible the violence and murders that stem from aggressive and hateful language and attitudes are? Are you so obsessed with the ability to use that word that you DON'T…
It is a slur used to hatefully oppress transgender people. Non transgender people don't get to "reclaim" a word that was -never theirs-.
Don't bother, Grumpy's heart is two sizes too small.
Non-transgender people have no right to co-opt a word used to oppress, hurt and kill transgender people. Period. Period. Period.
Thank you for that. I see stuff on the internet all the time and I write posts occasionally about it, but I'm not a paid blogger, I'm just a regular person. I want the things I've seen to be reported on, darnit!
When it's relevant to the discussion at hand. I have no idea why you're so bloody offended at being called out for being so pissy, but a pissy person's going to be pissy regardless so, you just do you, boo! <3 <3
"Creep shaming" is a term derived from "slut shaming." It is used predominantly by MRAs and other "masculinist" types as a defense against charges that certain behaviors, generally towards women, are creepy. The logic in the term's use is that the man in question is being made to feel ashamed just for being male…
Pot/Kettle much? I see you aren't above name calling yourself in your posting history. If you're so offended by my "joke about the truth", maybe you should just stop being such a grumpy boy?
"Someone has to make the joke about the truth."