
Bodily Autonomy: It's not just for men anymore!

Bodily Autonomy isn't just about being Pro-Choice, it's also about ending Rape Culture and being free to transition into another gender identity, AND the freedom to dress how you want. "Go read a book on what Feminism actually constitutes" because YOU are clearly the "clueless" one.

Thank you. I've gotten a lot of hate mail notifications for expression this apparently quite unpopular opinion but I am NOT sorry for standing up for a woman's right to Bodily Autonomy.


Oh, so Feminism is actually "We know what's best for you so you'd better do what we say or we'll shame you!" I'm sorry, I was under the impression that -THAT- was the Patriarchy, instead!

Thank you. I mean that.

Shaming people for making their own free choices about what they do with their own bodies is not what Feminism is about.

I believe women should be able to make their own choices about what they do with their own bodies. It's called Bodily Autonomy, which is ENTIRELY feminist. Want to try again, sparky?

You're being WHOLLY disingenuous. This article didn't make ONE PEEP about how dangerous and toxic beauty standards are, or how dangerous and toxic botox is, or anything of that sort. This article was simply MAKING FUN OF WOMEN WHO MADE THEIR CHOICES ON THEIR OWN. Don't try and dress it up with excuses about how beauty

Very Feminist of us to shame women for making their own choices with their own money and their own faces, right? /s

Go ahead and consider it closed, then. You've already proven yourself a liar, a hypocrite and a bigot who can learn NOTHING with that "scientific" mind you're so arrogant about. No matter how much proof people lay in front of your feet that what you're doing is wrong, you'll continue to do it because you're just like

This is the third time now you've attempted to lie and claim that I've said things that I haven't said. At this point I can only assume you're trolling, as NOWHERE in ANY of my posts on this article or ANYWHERE on this site -EVER- have I implied or said that I wanted or had solidarity for bigots. Look at my posting

I'm not asking you to be polite to homophobes, And I'd really appreciate you stop putting words in my mouth. This is the second time you've made false statements against me and you need to stop. You're not helping the discussion by LYING.
I'm asking you to be able to differentiate between Christians who are bigots and


You didn't read original post at all, did you? I point-blank TOLD YOU that I had -no problems- with religious and non-religious people. YES your tactics are a problem because the same kind of bigotry and hatefulness you claim to be fighting against is the same bigotry and hatefulness YOU ARE USING.

You're absolutely insane. I never defended bigots, as a matter of fact, that's exactly the OPPOSITE of the posts I've been making on this thread. You're EXACTLY like the Tea-baggers and Fundies, except you don't believe in God. EXACTLY LIKE THEM. You're USING THE SAME SPEECH AND ATTITUDE, THE SAME BIGOTRY, and you're

A hateful, mean-spirited, insulting Evangelical Atheist "Combating" the evils of religion with hateful speech that sounds exactly like the crazy fundies.

You know what I say?

Lots of people are coherent, conscious and remember everything when stoned. If you're smoking so much that you're blacking out, perhaps you should not smoke as much so you can remember all the fun things you do while stoned? I'm not trying to be condescending or an asshole here, I'm genuinely asking you that if you're

I'll bring a portable DVD player with Adventure Time and The Venture Brothers on a burned DVD, and a bottle of Arbor Mist!