
You're unnecessarily combative and disrespectful, in both your OP and your reply to me. I can see talking to you is pointless, though, so you do you, boo.

If you want me to be VERY accurate in my accusations, I would ask the same of you. MRAs, PUAs and sites that are male-centered spaces have a LOT of things in common, more than they don't. They all seem to focus on blaming Feminism and women for their, and the world's, problems, and do their best to put down, degrade

I understand that this is frustrating, but are you really gaining anything or doing anything productive acting like that? If you want help and solidarity, asking for it will work much better.

I don't know. I see more blatant misogyny and sexism on popular MRA sites like The Red Pill, MGTOW and A Voice For Men than I see blatant misandry and sexism on popular Feminist sites.

As another fellow Christian (Christian Universalist) I think it's very important to call out and point out Christian Hypocrisy. We won't progress as a group until we stop being protected and shielded by the masses and unfair legislation.

Oh, I see, so you're rude to EVERYONE, not just your friends! Okay, no problem, I see I made an awful mistake in bringing it up at all!! I suspected as much, though. I should know better by now than to hope that someone might apologize like an adult when totally unnecessary crappy behavior is pointed out. :-)

I ship them.

Is it just me or does Hilary Duff look like Kim Kardashian in that picture?!

If your idea of Friendly is to call a person a passive aggressive twat, I feel sorry for your friends.

Uh oh...Seems like Joe's words stung you a little. Hostile overreaction much? Perhaps you should examine why you're being so snippy instead of name-calling. Perhaps he's hitting a little close to home and that's why you're being so ugly to him?

Anyone who can use the word "dong" in a sentence with a straight face is my best friend.

Braids, shoes glitter, ripped guys with big dongs, fairy tattoos, lace. That's my pinterest every day.

I went to the "wealthy" high school in my hometown, as one of the only "poor kids" and felt pretty out of place. I can only imagine what it's like for them when the class difference is so much more glaring.

Everyone be sure to report Trolls to

"Calming Ceiling-Clinging" /dead from laughter!

Yes, and me stabbing you would be "just a hand motion" when you take all the socially conditioned nonsense away. After all, "let's not bring logic into a discussion about morals", since morals are all based on FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELINGS.

Yes. Exactly this!