
Actions don't spring from a vacuum. Before a human being can harm another human being, the attacker must first think of that other human being as less worthy, less human, less respectable. Again: To deny that thoughts have meaning and that a person must first have an attitude of less respect for the inherent humanity

Except ideas DO harm. Ideas cause actions. Marginalizing, oppressing, othering, silencing...that's how Racists think. And that's why racism is such a problem.

I'm hoping to God they aren't being ignorant on purpose.

Because I would be wearing traditional garb that is not my own.


I'm just going to assume you really don't understand instead of being deliberately obtuse and forgive me, but I am a little tired of always being dragged into these conversations so if I sound sharp or annoyed...well. It's because I kind of am. I'm going to try and explain this as politely as I can, and respect

I would love to wear a Sari because in all honesty, that and Kimonos are two of the most beautiful items of clothing in the world. However, as a Native American woman, it simply wouldn't be appropriate. Take heart, though, the Caucasian fashion world is incredibly diverse even if you can't wear much outside it without

Frozen yogurt is magical but I never liked non-frozen. It's just....weird.


Joy shared is joy doubled!!

You don't like soup OR CHEESE?!

Yeah, that's me.

It's coming from somewhere, near you. You smell it, but you can't tell who's got it. Depending on the venue this is done so furtively and discreetly you never discover the identity of the smoker, yet you thank them silently for the mild contact high.

I keep plugging away. I wouldn't have left XBOX 360 if there had been any serious banhammer moderation happening, but Microsoft didn't give a flying rat's ass. So I voted with my dollars. :-)

"Hey maybe you shouldn't report being robbed, robbers ain't going away unfortunately."

Small world!!

Real Christians are 100% ashamed of the Duck Dynasty jerks.

Her natural eye color is green.

Damn dude. That's cold! An axe in your back for a can opener? I guess you can't trade items then so that two people can freely use it? One would assume that would solve an awful lot of problems!

What... The fuck...? I had no idea it was that bad! D: