
"Because MeganRivera doesn't post nonsense..."

Yeah, I've seen some shit, my friend. Spend a minute at "Fat Ugly or Slutty" or "Not In The Kitchen Anymore" and you'll see that gendered harassment is super common, almost all female gamers experience it when playing online. A few moments that stick out with me are also when men recorded themselves masturbating and

You didn't make an "original question". You made accusations based on claims of me saying things I did not say, three posts in. The first few posts weren't of you asking questions, they were you being rude -for no reason-.

I think I'm done with you. You haven't answered any of my questions, so why should I continue answering yours? You're just going to continue attacking me and being unnecessarily rude, and while I'm truly sorry that I've made you angry enough to act like this, I'm a human being and don't deserve to be treated like shit

I really want to try Day-Z but I'm terrified of getting trolled so hard that I lose my appetite for the game. I left the Halo series' multiplayer on XBOX 360 because the daily rape/death threats and being constantly harassed by really horrible people. Even though I shouldn't have to hide my gender just to ensure I am

I didn't say it was monolithically anti-child, did I? Nope. Again, want to back up your claims with proof? You obviously have nothing useful to add, since you're trying to justify your nasty attitude towards me by making fun of the length of my post, which has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand and is just another

No, you opened up a discussion with me, by sharing your opinion, and being rude isn't the best way to go about that. I was just sharing my opinion. You had the option to not communicate with me, and you also had the option to communicate with me in a polite, adult matter.

I'm sharing my frustrated opinion. I was under

Fellow Fetlifer here. That's why I love groups like "Sad Sexual Solicitations We Receive" and "Return To Sender". They're places we can go to share messages like this and commiserate!

I wonder if men would throw so much free penis around if women threw a commensurate amount of free vagina around.

I disagree. The economic boom of the "Baby Boom" era was because all those soldiers who came home and got their female partners pregnant...well...those kids grew up, got jobs and TONS of money came into our economy because of those "drains". When the birth rate of a country goes down, so too does it's economy.

Yes, because being aggressively patronizing and sarcastic is a great way to open up a discussion with another fellow human being.

Damn, I am getting really sick of how anti-child this site can be. What did kids and parents ever do to deserve this shit? /sigh

Gotta admit, though, that's a pretty sick Scar-Story though. You can't knock that.

I totally agree with you, friend. Most people are inherently good people.

I noticed that Angelina Jolie has been in FOUR of those, out of the twenty. That's impressive!

Would watching cats get stoned be MORE entertaining if you were, yourself, getting stoned?

Genetics play a big role in how large a muscle can get, my friend. Some guys just won't ever have a big chest unless they devote their entire lives around the gym and lifting weights, slamming protein shakes and potentially abusing HGH or Steroids. :-(

Well then I'll have the chicken, please!

Thank you. Really. *hug!*