

The only good pies are Strawberry and Pecan. TEAM CAKE FOR LIFE!

HEY I KNOW THOSE CATS! That's Kodi and Shorty. I follow them on youtube.

I can't help but try. I'm just that kind of person. And no, she shouldn't have reacted that way, just politely telling me would have been 1000 times better. Especially since I had literally only interacted with her once before and it was to introduce myself to her since I was a brand-new server. Her doing that was 90%

As rude as punching people in the face? :-) I was under the impression that was rude, too.

I have tried running over the scenario a million times in my head and cannot imagine what could have been going on in her life to make her act like that. The guilt ate me up for years afterwards.

Sure. I told myself that too, that there could have been any number of reasons why she freaked out. But I think that most people would apologize for freaking out on someone and -screaming in their face- in front of paying customers no less, after the crappiness in their life had calmed down.

I apologized to her twice

If I saw a girl lying in the middle of the road on a towel like this, I would stop and make sure she was alive. And then I would give her some sunscreen!

Sweetie, THERE ARE BETTER PLACES TO TAN. Like not at all. Because tanning gives you cancer.

I thought so too, hence the bawling. I mean, I understand not liking to be touched. My husband's mother was...not a very good mom, and not affectionate, so he has serious boundaries and hates being touched by anyone who isn't me or our kids...but he'd NEVER -SCREAM- at someone. He has gently just let people know he

Aren't you just the sweetest little ray of sunshine ever?

Oh My God, thank you for sharing that. That is an absolutely stunning dress!

I'm stealing this gif. <3

I've always noted a correlation between how affectionate parents are with their kids to how affectionate and comfortable with touch people are as they get older.

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but it's interesting to note how many people in here PROUDLY and LOUDLY proclaim that they "despise" and "hate" kids, citing germs, etc, for their reasons...while forgetting that they, too, were once kids and that kids are largely not much germier than a phone, door handle, or

I agree with you! If it's not okay to say in front of someone in person, it's not okay to say it on the internet. It's a crowd of people, in the same room. It's the SAME DAMN THING.

Shit like this is exactly why I REFUSE to join Reddit. The level of insane misogyny there is so astounding it defies belief, and I'm too stubborn to be quiet about my gender or my Feminist leanings to hide there and pretend that I'm a guy to get away with talking about...well...anything. That's why I like Tumblr.

Thank you. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I mean that. Male Feminists, our allies, are SO important to us, exactly for the reason you described...because you can use your privilege to speak and be heard more so than a minority or woman would. Big internet hugs!

I bind you James. From doing harm against yourself. And harm against others.

Men's beards often go full white before their hair.

Yeah, I've noticed that in the last few years, she's gotten MORE beautiful as she's gotten older. I don't know what it is about her, but she's like Helen Mirrin, you know? Like wine, just keeps getting better with age.