Feminism says yes!
Feminism says yes!
Right? Best part.
I see what you did there. :->
I think you did an excellent job of refuting every point the Troll made, and be sure to report him at Commenters@Jezebel.com. The mods are always on top of the trolls that get reported to that mail and take every report seriously.
I snorted Mountain Dew up my nose.
I got two pair of ultra soft fluffy pajama pants, a Toothless action figure, a gift card to a local beauty salon that I like to get my nails done at, all sorts of assorted candies and chocolates, and a Burt's Bees beauty kit. My Christmas was awesome!
I don't know if you know this, but a bodyguard costs about 20$ an hour or more. I can't imagine her making enough doing that work to afford a bodyguard.
Thank you. Yes. It was a mixed blessing when he got laid off. Now he's working for a really nice woman who's a mom and much more understanding about family stuff.
Oh, the worst boss he ever had, hands down. Typical rich asshole who had been so wealthy for so long he had completely lost touch with humanity in general, and underpaid my poor hubs, to boot. He didn't care that he had a family to feed.
When I had my first child, I begged my husband's boss to let him stay at home for at least a few (unpaid!) days to help me, and he outright refused. He even said he'd come in on the weekends to make up for it, but the guy didn't care. America needs a parental leave for all parents, badly.
Yeah, I hear that when doctors need major surgery, THEY EVEN HIRE OTHER DOCTORS TO DO IT FOR THEM!! Can you believe it?! How DARE THEY?!
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Princess.
WHATEVER. Everyone knows boys don't play video games. Now get back in the garage and fix my car!
You're sad, bitter and afraid of gay people. What you think of me is insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe, and while you spew hatred and irrational fear into the world around you, your social circle will rapidly become less and less tolerant of your bullshit and when you're old, you'll be the weird drunk…
You've gone on and on and on about these "sexy" dance moves, not even realizing that your own discomfort is YOUR DEAL, and not the fault of these people whose dancing would be completely acceptable if they were little white female cheerleaders.
Can you please just...just stop? Please?
I REALLY wish Gaga would Sstop using "Gypsy". It's a racial slur. It's like she's throwing the N-Word around and NO ONE CARES?! Ugh.
I wouldn't recommend it unless you have the proper safety gear. You'll at least need gloves, a fecal-proof face mask and to be on the safe side, some mace. You never know when one of them will snap mid conversation and become psychotic.
The Hills was scripted? Color me shocked. /s
Oh, wait.