
Right? Pretty scary.

When a person is a misogynist on a Feminist website, what kind of person is that?

I'm 100% disgusted by Charlie Sheen using this to try and drum up support. Everyone KNOWS you're a shithead, Chuckie. Please stop riding the coattails of this controversy to make a disingenuous "poem" full of false outrage just so you can win fans.

Can we all agree collectively that this particular Macy's seems like a terrible racist store and we should all just stop shopping there?

I've set off alarms before but I'm never bag-searched unless my dark skinned Puerto Rican husband is with me.

Is it a lot of effort to be a racist or does it just come naturally to you?

You ate Goldilocks, admit it!!

Psst. Hi friend. That's a troll right there.

She's getting a facial.

A Wedding Alienware Laptop is so much more kick ass than a wedding ring. Fuck blood diamonds anyway.


This really choked me up. I never had the pleasure of meeting him but I grew fond of him just by the way you wrote so warmly of him. And he seemed like such a loving soul. The light is certainly dimmer without him. This would be a perfect eulogy for him.

Oh Lord. I feel a strange mixture of sad/scared now.

Let's be honest...


Remember, the fail of "clever" is "asshole".

I made no assumptions, CHUM.

I'm not allowed on pintrest because the last time I went to an awesome site like that ( I emerged four days late for work with my eyeballs all dried up and cracked.

I hope you understand that women that are born girls have testosterone in their systems. All human beings do regardless of gender.

AS USUAL...Please remember to report the trolls to