I'm wondering why you're pretending to be all pro-Feminism when you made remarks just a few hours ago in the Kate Winslet thread that outed you as one of those angry MRA dudes we were just talking about.
I'm wondering why you're pretending to be all pro-Feminism when you made remarks just a few hours ago in the Kate Winslet thread that outed you as one of those angry MRA dudes we were just talking about.
Not necessarily, if you think about it, if her husband dies first, it's entirely possible that Brittany would have been too emotionally upset to hand the cash over to Mom. Since the husband didn't own the money, it was Brittany's first, Brittany was the one in the way the most.
Money, honey! That's the motive. Note that she offed the husband the same way, to keep all Brittany's money going to HER instead of him? Note that she sold a bunch of her daughter's stuff in AUCTION instead of donating it to charity or keeping it? Note that SHE WAS LIVING WITH THEM...most cases of poisoning murders…
Damn, that's dark. *sad*
You gotta get on my level girl! ;-)
I don't know. The father is the one pushing for the tests and the mother is the one fighting it. It looks suspicious!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: The mom did it.
I don't think I've ever had the pleasure to talk to you directly yet, but I've recommended many of your posts and I think you're a good man and good ally and a good member of Jezebel. We know you're nothing like these awful men, sweetie. *hugs*
I didn't get into Feminism actively until I had kids. They're both girls. They're growing up right now in a world that will treat them as second class citizens because they're interracial AND female. It made me want to do everything I could to change the world. They deserve better than that.
She looks great! White panties are super cute.
Such a handsome Tom!
While I TOTALLY agree with you, the best thing for you to do would be to not -ever- talk about Christianity on this site. Don't support it, don't -ever- bring it up, just walk away from the conversation here and don't answer any more trolls.
So....WHY does this company continue to exist, again?
I love her so-dark-brown-it's-bascially-black hair. SO AMAZING!
Be sure to report trolls at Commenters@Jezebel.com
Wow, the markings on Mama Cat are GORGEOUS!
He actually emotes his expressions fully, isn't afraid to smile. He is well spoken and funny, and seems to be very warm, friendly and personable. He's also funny, a little goofy, but can be very serious and adult—and KNOWS when those things are appropriate. He dresses well, and takes good care of himself. Add those…
I'm a great housewife and a good cook, too, so I'll take good care of you. =^_^=