
Oh man, I'm so happy about this, I can't even quite find the words to describe how much I anticipate this (and as hard as it would be for other games, Somehow I'm excited over online racing as a stretchgoal). This, right here, seems to break a lot of the cynicism I've been having over the industry the last couple of

So thats why Capcoms nearly broke and Sega still has money... Capcom spent it all on the bad decisions machine! IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!
Heres me nursing my grudge against capcom... they're nearly broke! mweheheehehe all their bad decisions finally caught up with them!

This was my Pick. She's cute, stylish, and seems like she'd be able to not only assist, but bark at Beck when hes goofing around. ANALYZE THAT AS YOU WISH.

Is it weird that i squeed? Well.. internally of course. Gotta keep my manliness up. I like how its reminiscent of the early RE games, as well as the touch of psychological horror that I loved in silent hill. The Mega seal of approval this gets so far.

Just as with the Boy Named Sue, this youngun will have to build a lot of character out of this.
I thought I had it bad with my name: Giulio. Simple right? Jew-lee-oh. three syllables that origins with two common names, Julius, and Julio, both derived from the roman for "Youthful."
Instead of it being simple, I had to

Didn't Tommo also make SNK handheld a while back that reviewed poorly because it not only used emulation, but shitty emulation?

I think it was either Deadly Towers... or Wild Gunmen. I just remember my parents playing it and listening to that god awful music in DT, but I remember holding the Zapper and shooting at some guy with a beard. Either way, I was 4 so I don't remember too much lol

Now playing

For some reason this song popped into my head when I saw this.
This looks very well crafted, I'm just wondering why there would be a pressure gauge and lights on it. other than that, the brass color and rivets look apropos and nifty!

I can accept, and enjoy that kind of stoicism, but lets hope theres no unrequited love business going on toward Noctis... I'd be fine with him being gay, but all the "boo hoo he don't love me, so I'm going to act super serious ALL THE TIME"
But yeah, I hope all the characters have an enormous depth and even if i don't

I was just making fun of all the daddy issues that Hamlet had, I haven't really looked into these new characters at all beyond the trailers. And yeah I saw that too with the pea soup scene. At this point, I'm mostly interested in the world it's set in, since you can't really reveal too much about the characters

Oh god... its gonna be Squall all over again with the daddy issues...

No, you're right. It was FFIV I'm thinking of. That starts out with them stealing a crystal from another nation, and then the king goes on to steal the other crystals from other countries, turns out to be the big bad guy.
I'm not saying it won't have a new and original story, but just the way he was glib about it made

According to Nomura, "The story is simple: an enemy nation steals the crystal, and the protagonists must get it back. Amidst that, human relations intersect, expanding into a Final Fantasy-style tale."

I did not. I think what happened is I hit reply to a reply that hadn't been approved/deleted and it just replied to myself automatically. To make my post a less nonsensical here's what was said:

I think... I did unintentionally... weeeiiirdd... Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

... Perhaps.

Glad to have a comrade to fend off the Super Serious brigade!
Now let us watch this gif of what I imagine having an interview with Alan Moore would be like

Good point, I honestly thought by starting with "Going off the Rails" would have hinted that it was just crazy talk, with no serious intent. The nuances of sarcasm and tone could easily have been lost on me today. I've had far too much caffeine, and far too little sleep today.

Its nice seeing that there's proper uses of kickstarter now, with people giving realistic expectations of what they want to do, and being a bit transparent with the spending involved, so I expect we'll see a lot more major projects being funded this way, at least until the big developers try to either stop it, or use