
Of course, its understandable to misconstrue tone, just confusing when it's rather blatant in original intent. It just makes you want to stop, and make at least several faces to properly convey your befuddlement. Then again, I'm having an oddly rantiful day, so I'm sure I've already made a few people do just that

You're not acquainted with many people with a facetious demeanor, are you?

I'm gonna go off the rails here and say its an announcement of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap being released on the virtual console instead of it just having been part of the loyalty program for the 3ds.

That might be the case, actually. I mean I keep hearing from people I know that have lived and visited there, that stereotypically (Which might not be true at all) people are subdued and polite and that women are considered far more submissive than that of other countries, so it stands to reason that many strong

This seems like a page out of the Tales handbook. I'm not saying FF hasn't done its own cornucopia of fanservice and nods to other games in the series, but this seems like the first time they really used costumes to say "Remember these characters?". Nor am I saying this is a bad thing, I think it's nice that we have

I'm ok with this. My gamecard was kinda full well into the new year. Octobers going to destroy my wallet, and then Christmas shopping in November (plus Zelda).

Its sickeningly delightful how many there are now, I mean a year ago I wouldn'tve thought about kicking in for one, because I found there to be a lack of professionalism surrounding the whole of it, but now I'm in for 3 so far in the last couple of months, especially on genre games that seem to be lost and dead on

Agreed. In fact. Since I have some time to kill this morning, I may as well break it out and play it.

Dude... what... stop! STOP! WHY??
Why are they doing this to me? Seriously? Why are SO MANY GAMES ON KICKSTARTER SO GOOD THAT I WANT TO FUND THEM!

Boo. Mobile game. Boo. Yadda yadda yadda microtransaction hate, blah blah blah...
Wheres Type-0? Why don't we have some form of western release for it? C'mon SE.... DO ME PROUD HERE!

While I'm in the extreme, and I take apart my controllers to clean them every once in a while, My touch up methods are a combination of alcohol/distilled water, a toothbrush to get between the cracks and in grooves and electrical connections (so much better than just scraping it with a toothpick), and cotton pads.

Same. I think there's all kinds of the wrong focus on this. Kojima probably did this for a reason to play into her character/past/whathaveyou, so I don't see much point in fighting about it from perspectives we don't entirely have yet.

Noooot necessarily. Just the ones we Know about couldn't reproduce. Whose to say that there wasn't more than one Les Enfant Terribles type project going around. Just because Zero was running one, doesn't mean another organization didn't have the same Idea. I mean look at Solidus and the Big Boss that showed up at the

Lol Whats weird is thats not even the most implausible thing about my theory. At the very least, Solid and Liquid were programmed to not be able to reproduce. But im still running with the theory that in MGSV theres at least 2 big bosses running around, so who knows whats possible.

Good time.. I already had a lets play up of the First dungeon I did last week. Dunno about uploading the rest of it... just.. .So long lol .

Can I have some pudding before I lay down? I like pudding... maybe topped with Chocolate Caloriemate to keep my energy up...

I'm gonna roll with the octo camo theory... but I'mma take it further... She's really another clone of Big Boss, where they tailored her to be like Big Mama, and removed the y-chromosome just to see what another ultimate female solider would do, thereby trying to recreate The Boss and maybe get more little Big Bosses

I dunno if i should be sad by Blastoises extra canon, or go find someone to High Five.

Now see, because you have experience in the field I can take the merit in you telling it that while rare, it is a possibility that there could be interference and effect the testing, or some burning (the mythbusters confirmed that as well). But saying it's a definite thing is what makes it so mind breaking. I would

I live, partied with, and coexist in an area thats controlled and occupied by the sons of silence. My question still remains to be: Where is his shirt lol.