
To be fair, how do you know they aren’t correct?

Side note: Is A Hat In Time still alive? I funded it ages ago and feel like I never get updates from them. At least Mighty No. 9 finally pushed out its platform surveys last week and I was just like: “IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING!”

Sirrah, the ashes that your issue will stir shall be your own.

Your heathen ways shall be purged by fire.

May my curse lay upon seven sevens of your offspring, foul false witness!

Bubble Man’s BGM will forever live in our hearts as the very best of MM music.

...and damn the man who does not weep to hear the BGM from the first two levels of Wily’s Castle!

Holy crap, Jason. I’m a megaman super fan, I’ve played through each game countless times, and megaman 4 is without a doubt the weakest entry in the NES series. The gameplay is just difficult enough to be North of “annoying” but not hard enough to give you the sense of accomplishment for beating it (as MM1 does). The

I will copy paste what I just told Gizmo.

Hi Gizmo, my appreciation of art in this case is technical, the line art is uneven, proportions are weird and the digital coloring kills the images.
There is no lettering, they are obviously some sort of digital font, and in the name of narrative while images are clear and cut there’s nothing outstanding taking into

The art in this comic is average... So I guess this is either a paid or pandering article?

This looks awful.

I can’t see how this won’t be anything but extremely biased and one sided considering the people involved in the project. Kind of scary how the mainstream media is so entangled with this too. I don’t wish anyone anything bad to happen to them. But just political disagreements shouldn’t be equated to actual harassment

Daughter just broke are S.O.L. I went to Nintendo customer support (zero humans), filled out every blank I was prompted to, and when I got to the order screen, they had a CONSOLE, not a gamepad, queued up to ship me for $99. Maddening. buying this was a HUGE MISTAKE. Garbage.

Great to hear! I actually found a “used” one for a steal so had to take her off of AmiAmi’s hands. Was never opened but just a small dent in the box. She’s the pride of my collection.

its awesome and all but would you guys stop posting about stuff like this? do you WANT these fantastic fan projects to be served CnD papers? I mean, every time vast public knowledge of these projects is given, the original creators get a little butt hurt...remember the 3D chrono trigger incident?

Well, at least something about this game is entertaining to me.

Could always make your channel private with a password and share with your friends - I mean, we all only use Twitch channels for gaming as intended!

Hi Nathan,

Also this game doesn't allow mods.

Wow, so all of our comments on this topic from the original post are gone now? I just checked my notifications center and I get a permissions error when I try to see my own post from the old thread.