
Nah, Black Friday (the friday after Thanksgiving) is one of the ones you are thinking of.

Don’t get me wrong - there are some stores that have big shopping bonanzas at even the hint of a holiday (I’m looking at you Best Buy!), but Columbus Day is kinda ‘meh’.

Growing up in the midwest, we got the day off from school

How does that even work?

Here, rub this oil on your face, gargle with these extracts, and hide some garlic in your cheeks and you’ll never have a cavity again?

Good ‘ol Indiana....

I’d like to think that we’re exempt from idiots like that on the east coast, but each state had their own special brand of stupid running around. :/

Woo! I went fancy too, with my mac-n-cheese topped with fried spam.

I am a kitteh of simple tastes... oh, and poor. XD

My parents had a lab. She was an AWESOME dog, But I’m seeing a lot of commonalities in the comments and I have to concur - they will eat ANYTHING.
When my parents got the dog as a puppy, she had a cast on her leg (dog met car, car won. Think she was chasing a squirrel? Mmmmm... fast food.) - the cast lasted 3-4 days

One of my best friends whom I LOVE to pieces, got married up in Acadia. In October. Outdoors.
We froze our flippin heineys off. I couldn’t feel my fingers, my nose was a block of ice, and my toes were going numb. I literally huddled together with two other people to share body heat.
But ya know? It was worth it. Cuz

*fist bump*

That game got our non gaming friends to WANT to play!

obvious rage/confusion/holy-wtf-ness aside...

I get that private schools have the right to enforce uniforms and all that BS, but when did public schools start jumping in on that douchnozzle policy?
Shit like this boggles my mind. You’re a publicly funded school, you serve students that come from families of varied

Eh... I think it has more to do with the fact that this kid died so horribly and stupidly that some people’s minds can’t process the ignorance of it anymore. So, let’s focus on something totally inane! *shrugs*

that actually sounds like it has potential.... >.>;

Is there an option to keep the Dinklage voice? :( Not caring for North’s too much...

All the sketchy dolphin crap aside - wtf is with the flower at the end? The video itself isn’t odd enough without throwing that in there?

-.-; Now I have Meatloaf stuck in my head.... dammit. XD

Grats on the 58! I’m lucky and have a freaking FANTABULOUS crew of people in my Free Company. - we took down that bastard whale without a single problem. :D

Now I just need to get my thumbs out of my bum and finish these dungeons so I can finally help people with expert roulette... I feel like such a mooch, always

*insert guinea pig whistle here*

D’awwwwwwwwwww! :3

well, the Skoo-ner version would be correct grammatically... but Shoe-ner rolls off the tongue better?

I can understand what you are saying, and you have a valid point, (side note - your supper table conversations sound awesome! I do mean that sincerely. d^_^b) But with the recent viral articles that weren’t backed by thorough research, (and, with research, turned out to be essentially fabrications made by the supposed

He opened the door for her response. She wasn’t verbalizing her frustration until HE ASKED her to verbalize it. If he wasn’t prepared for a less than happy response, then he shouldn’t have asked. Period. He compounds it by ASKING her to put out her cigarette, which she declines to acquiesce to. Again, it was a request

@ 21:30 - “I put my taser away. I tried talkin to her, I tried to calm her down.”

In what world was that “trying to calm her down”? Holy ballz...