
I think it’s more to maintain the show of journalistic integrity/ethics/whatever-the-word-is-that-im-looking-for or some such - more to prove that he did what research he possibly could, and still felt that he had a viable story to tell even though he couldn’t get as much ‘proof’ as would normally be required. It’s

Honestly, I’m not sure who is in the right or the wrong, but I DO know that at least the mom is working her ass off to get those kids out of there. Dad is on the sidelines wringing his hands pathetically while trying to garner sympathy for HIS plight. He is doing jack and shit to get his kids out of those facilities.

Hell, I know shitty dads/moms that aren’t forced to undergo supervised visitations. Like, the cops and most of the community knows that he is a drug dealing waste of space, or the kids don’t even have their own beds, but they get full rights when it’s their turn for the kids.

Although, the court could be playing it

Hard to prove?
They found him GUILTY. Guilty of over 50,000 charges...

“if he doesn’t prove effective in helping law enforcement to crack down on cybercrime, he does more time.”

Note: I do not want poop/vomit stories. Please stop sending me poop/vomit stories. Seriously, how many times do I have to ask this before you stop sending me poop/vomit stories?

“Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved. because the government confined them,” Thomas wrote. “And those denied governmental benefits certainly do not lose their dignity because the government denies them those benefits. The

Oh, but your body can totally choose to keep that dignity! Or something...
If the slaves lost dignity then it was because they wanted to? I guess? /headdesk

Don’t these guys *think* about what they are saying or do they just let the word vomit spew forth?

His comments struck me as all sorts of wrong.

Either facebook likes me and is just not showing the posts, or none of my friends are being dickbags - I’ve yet to see a single hate/rage post on my facebook feed. :D Today IS a good day!

W00! My husband would send you a love letter if he had an account set up. :D So I’ll send you one instead (since he’s getting me one for my b-day!)

THANK YOU!! <3 <3 <3

The staff were worried about the douchebags turning violent (Editor’s Note: Are we sure this was weed? Because that really does not sound like weed. “Violent stoner” is not really a thing)

*hops on the “i fucking LOVE triscuits” wagon*

Dammit... now I want triscuits! I haven’t had any in years.... My grandparents got me hooked on them when I was a kid and eating them always makes me think of the holidays (that being the only time we got to visit with them).

I work in an office supply and printing shop and we used to have a customer that owned a ‘junk shop’ that catered to all of the tourists that flood the area every summer. You know, “buy this shit because it has local flavor!” kind of deal. He came up with the bright idea to sell framed 5x7” pictures of cats being

Just to throw some light on why she could think she might *not* be pregnant - other than the Dr. telling her that she wasn’t - some personal experience of my own... A few years ago I suddenly underwent a pretty severe change to my cycle. Like, it stopped. Completely. I spotted a few times, but other than that - nada.

I have a friend who was in her late teens/early 20’s before she discovered that Alaska wasn't an island just north of Hawaii...

Our youngest is like that - we crate trained her to try and break the habit (and because we lacked a spare room to relegate her to when she was bad). The time-outs helped, but moving to a new home helped the most. I think she started associating certain rooms with certain behaviors and didn’t give a flying monkey

My Kallah kitteh used to wake MidBoss and I up by trying to clean earwax out of our ears. Like full on deep cleaning, tongue as far into the ear canal as it could go. She also likes to sniff eyeballs.

My cats are special.... ^_^;

Potted plant and a desk lamp here! I didn’t get any cards on domestic abuse from co-workers (probably because they all know my fiance) but the looks I got from customers were pretty priceless.

I’m sorry, but our youngest does it to be a dick. Plain and simple. She doesn’t get what she wants, she makes you pay.
This is the cat that goes into the shower/bathroom to holler/scream/yowl at the top of her lungs just to hear the sound of her voice better. (she’s spayed, but does a perfect imitation of a cat in

I completely and totally get this. I hate the place I grew up in (yay Midwest!) and I have no desire to move back. Ever. (I used to have nightmares about having to move back there and start back up with my old employers.) I don’t have any kids, but I miss the friends and the family. Which I find really odd to say