
In High School, my junior year Latin teacher refused to acknowledge me when I tried to answer questions. I understood that after a while he needed other students to show that they too understood the work, but when he started refusing to let any other female in the class answer questions as well.... I eventually just

GAH! I remember SimAnt... I loved that game! And SimFarm...

I spent a summer vacation while in High School glued to the pc and our pirated copies of the games. lol

I dunno... I stopped eating hotdogs over 20 years ago because I got sick after eating them. Now, the SMELL of them alone makes me nauseous. Like, my fiance eats them in the car during lunch (with all the windows down) - he picks me up from work 6 hours later, and I can smell the residue of them and get sick to my

My dad did that once with shark... discount, shoulda been pulled from the store shelf days ago, shark.
Worst part - he probably could have gotten us to eat it no problem if he'd been up front about it. I certainly had no problem eating the frog legs from the local bar/burger joint when I was 8. Instead, he had a

That... actually sounds pretty good. ^_^;

Beneful is a high-quality nutritious food

3. Fear of being accused of hysteria has not been a factor in discouraging women from using medical services.

I'm gonna wave the Cranberry Citrus Cookie flag with pride, because those things are AWESOME!

So NYA! :P


queued up on my kindle and ready to go!

I have a soft spot for Murakami - I'm sad that I hadn't heard about this one! Going to have to dig it up and find myself a copy now. :D

Just finished (re)reading The Chronicles of the Shadow War trilogy by George Lucas and Chris Clairmont. They are underappreciated oldies, but if you loved Willow these are absolutely fantastic books. Heck, even if you've never seen Willow, these are fantastic books. It saddens me that most people have never read them,

We were only running with 30ish people, so we had all hands on deck. If I remember correctly, there were triggered respawns on the way from the entrance anyways, so even if we'd had people waiting to get in they wouldn't have had time to down those mobs and their spawns before we timed out. Three years of running

A friend of mine found out that if you trade someone in FFXIV while they are teleporting, it cancels the teleport. The LS and Free Company have all wised up by now and if they see him racing towards them while teleporting, they know what he's up to. But he's like a freaking ninja, you never see him coming until it's

I think i would have shat my pants... I remember camping that bastard for DAYS... find his spawn window and then camping it religiously for weeeeeeks. Most windows I missed it because I couldn't solo it and there were other groups actively camping it as well (no grab and hold capability... gogo paper defense Cor!) I

Nothing says 'I love you' like leaving a friend in the middle of Yhoater/Yutunga Jungle and leaving them to find their own way back... *cackles*

I see that they mention the swatting on koopatroopa, but I don't see where they directly link the two.

Huh... I had the Optimus Prime when I was a kid, and I always wondered about the gunner seat in the trailer. Makes sense now. lol

I miss the days of the metal transformers- you could play hard with them and they'd still be in one piece when the day was over. (Our flying transformers? We made those babies FLY! Oh look,

That there are at least two people in this world who shat in bags and stashed them in random places seriously bothers me... @.@

I had to laugh though... It really does look just like him. XD

That's great... if you have a CVS near you.