
Ummm...just b/c your anecdotal evidence hasn't provided you with proof that kiddie-porn doesn't affect society, doesn't mean it's a perfectly safe activity. How often do you think a molested 5 yr old is going to go to the police? if they even know what is happening to them is morally despicable.

Love me some bells and whistles =]

Hahaha, three cheers for you Florida Man.

Oh, well, I was referring to my i7 processor, not my lappy model. I'm rollin' with a Lenovo Y560 atm (not the spiffiest, but with my mSata SSD, it's sexy enough =])

Not quite good enough for my i7 =\

Hmmm, maybe I had been hovering over a widget or something. I'll have to load it up and check it out again

Could care less about the RAM usage. What about the CPU usage? I've had problems with Rainmeter in the past constantly chewing up CPU cycles.

...yep, yep it was =]

Wasn't this article about Online Media Manipulation...

Brother, what a crock, I demand a vote on this. 707's comment deserved to be front paged given the context...heh, especially on Giz, maybe he would have deserved it on LH, but Giz? Shazbot on that.

Epi - TOME

Meh, I was so done with yousendit the day I found


You could probably put it on top of the mailbox, no?

+1 and DONE =]

Kettle, I think the difference is you probably pay off your credit card after the statement date. If you pay it off before the statement date, $0 will be reported to the bureaus regardless of the amount of activity.

I'd be careful going this route. From what I've been told (could be mistaken), too many hard-credit pulls within a certain amount of time can adversely affect your credit.

Bravo, I've also used this same exact method to attach smaller (skinny) vacuum attachments to my shopvac...makes for cleaning those hard to reach places in your cars quick work.

Heh, threads like this are #FAIL

Depending on the laptop you have, you may luck out and be able to access the fan/heatsink w/o dissembling too many things. I've seen a couple machines that just require one of the bottom panels to be removed. However, most lappies I've worked on now require you to take off the monitor, keyboard, and the works.